February 27, 2025

Let’s make this happen for an amazing 2028 IPO

So much is happening at the speed of light for PORTMAN Education Group. Setting up new schools, launching new schools, raising funds, hunting & negotiating new locations, securing new licensees, growing international markets, building Edtech platform while having lots of fun with my BabyGirl everyday. This is why building businesses with the right team, right systems and right direction at the right timing is just so critical for exponential growth. We are grateful for this
What’s next?
1. A Full Fledged 51,000 sqft PORTMAN International School for Secondary, Primary, Little PORTMAN PreSchool & BabyPORTMAN Nursery in PJ.
2. A purposed 100,000 sqft built-up school & education hub in the next 36 months in KL nearing to our current School in Cheras South.
3. Our first venture for Little PORTMAN & Baby PORTMAN into Melbourne, Australia in the next 24 months.
All the above are already in motion. Let’s make this happen for an amazing 2028 IPO.

February 6, 2025

Servant Leadership is Bullshit!

It really humors me when I see some consultant/, trainer or anyone for that matter speaks about servant leadership. They listen to some Simon Sinek bullshit and start to think that is the way to lead an organisation. I have worked in both large and small organisations as an employee for more than 10 years and I have been an entrepreneur for more than 25 years. I can tell you that it is bullshit! Stop selling some idealistic concept that has never work in any country or corporation. Why? We still have poverty and capitalism in the world. Try asking any billionaire or the very rich if they practiced Servant Leadership. I am sure they will tell you YES! you are the servant to their leadership. That’s why they pay you to do what they want to achieve. That’s why you are working to get what you want from these leaders or bosses.

We are working together to achieve personal objectives in life and career. We are not a family. We are a business. We are building a dream team of high performers that have high standards for us to achieve greatness for the benefit of everyone. Unfortunately that’s the reality. Can we do better for each other and have better connections to do better work? Sure. Just stop selling bullshit when you don’t even have people on your payroll.

But you are definitely entitled to your opinions. And if you do not like what you read here, please do unfriend or even block me. Why? I never added you in the first place. Have an awesome Sunday ahead having your idealistic values.

PS: Servant Leadership only works on other people’s payroll and cost. 😉

Insert Pic: My Corporate Sales Team. Get results, Get rewarded or Get lost.

January 5, 2025

A lot of young people dream about becoming successful & rich.


A lot of young people dream about becoming successful & rich. Fast! But most do not understand what it takes to get there. They want freedom of time to do their own thing and expect others to support them. They want to make a lot of money and they want work life balance. I laugh at that every single time. If you are seriously wanting to have work life balance you must first balance your bank account. If you cannot do that then forget about having a balance. That’s just not how the world works. No bosses will pay you to find yourself. No bosses will pay you to work on your passion. So if you do not know how to become succesful & rich, follow and learn from the bosses that will give you the platform and opportunities to do a whole lot to learn and gain from these experiences. All you need to do is work hard every day and get better everyday. Have the patience for good things to happen for you. In time. 😉

In the PIC: All are PORTMAN Graduates & Working in PORTMAN Education Group.

December 5, 2024

So what’s the next BHAG?


I graduated & returned to Malaysia from USA during the economic crisis in 1998 and was told by the MAS steward that I will not find a job. I got hired the next day in a reputable private college as a 25 year young lecturer. I told my colleagues then that I was going to have my own college someday and they laughed at me for dreaming out loud. I bought a college in 2012 called PORTMAN College. Struggled but made it happen with great foundation for what we have built today. I shared my vision to my ex business partners & ex employees that we will be having our own PORTMAN Education Group that consist of College, International Schools, Pre Schools, Training Academy & Edtech with just a logo. They said I lost it that it was just way too hard & most left me in the most difficult of times. Almost went bankrupt but figured it out & stayed the journey. Today we have a thriving international education business that started 21 years ago in my 2nd bedroom apartment to 8 different education campuses that serve Malaysia, China & Indonesia.
So what’s the next BHAG?
1. 100 PreSchools in Malaysia & Indonesia by 2027.
2. 1000 PreSchools in South East Asia by 2030.
3. Public Listed Billion Dollar Education Group.
And for all Naysayers that have always laughed at all my BHAGs, thank you.
And for all those that have believed in my BHAGs and have stayed with me through the ups and downs more so the downs, thank you for being there. It is greatly appreciated.
I am a first generation entrepreneur that has just started. I am grateful for the opportunity. 🙏

November 6, 2024

The biggest failure in life is regret.

The biggest failure in life is regret. Regret is the saddest thing that we will have to endure. And if you realized that we do only live once then you would want to go all out to make this life worth living. Take more calculated risk for the possibilities of achieving the unthinkable. Make the impossible possible and really live life to the fullest with purpose and meaning. That’s life. That’s a life worth doing. That’s a life worth living. I meet with my PORTMAN College students once a month on #askernie .

October 4, 2024

Nothing come easy but everything is POSSIBLE!

With another 2 PORTMAN International Schools and 3 Little PORTMAN Pre Schools being built, it’s amazing how much more energy I get from the adrenaline of making the impossible possible. From raising funds, to structuring M&As, designing & planning to negotiating deals with property developers and planning ahead to have a PORTMAN EduCity of our own with an IPO in the pipeline. I sometimes amaze myself with having so much on the plate that keeps me even more excited to keep learning and growing. This week has been a real blessing and I give all glory to the BIG MAN upstairs! Even today, another awesome news just came in and I was just grateful. 🙏 Thank you for the trust and opportunity to make a huge difference that is impactful, meaningful and highly profitable. It’s time to go beyond 10X and make it a 100X! If you can think it, you can make it happen. 🔥💪 

#PORTMAN #Education #nothingcomeseasybuteverythingispossible

September 5, 2024

So many dreams about becoming Millionaires.


So many dreams about becoming Millionaires. How many are willing to do the time and pay the dues of commitment to hard work day in day out, facing failures after failures after a prolonged period of time? If you are not then don’t bother dreaming about it. You are wasting your time. And NO, successful millionaires do not waste time with people of no value and money on branded stuffs yet when they are trying to get to their first Million. They will save every last cent from everything they make to reinvest back into the business that they want to become a millionaire from. They will not waste time living work life balance. They will not be around losers that will waste your time away. We all start at different leverage points. However you can change your leverage points along the journey even when you are born into poverty or bad influence of a family or even married into a failed marriage. Yes! You can change it all. So when people ask me why do I know if someone will ever succeed? It’s a pattern. It’s not difficult to identify who will succeed and who will fail. Luck will only be with those that work hard and learn everything they can in their core competency. Life is about outcomes. Life is about results that you are happy with. No bullshit and no shortcuts. If I were serious about making more money, creating more wealth and having a much better life for the future, I will model after those that have been there and done that. Nothing comes easy and everything is possible. All the best. 😉 #nobullshit #shapeuporshutup