Ernie Chen's Blog
February 27, 2025
Let’s make this happen for an amazing 2028 IPO
February 6, 2025
Servant Leadership is Bullshit!

January 5, 2025
A lot of young people dream about becoming successful & rich.
A lot of young people dream about becoming successful & rich. Fast! But most do not understand what it takes to get there. They want freedom of time to do their own thing and expect others to support them. They want to make a lot of money and they want work life balance. I laugh at that every single time. If you are seriously wanting to have work life balance you must first balance your bank account. If you cannot do that then forget about having a balance. That’s just not how the world works. No bosses will pay you to find yourself. No bosses will pay you to work on your passion. So if you do not know how to become succesful & rich, follow and learn from the bosses that will give you the platform and opportunities to do a whole lot to learn and gain from these experiences. All you need to do is work hard every day and get better everyday. Have the patience for good things to happen for you. In time. 😉
In the PIC: All are PORTMAN Graduates & Working in PORTMAN Education Group.
December 5, 2024
So what’s the next BHAG?

November 6, 2024
The biggest failure in life is regret.
The biggest failure in life is regret. Regret is the saddest thing that we will have to endure. And if you realized that we do only live once then you would want to go all out to make this life worth living. Take more calculated risk for the possibilities of achieving the unthinkable. Make the impossible possible and really live life to the fullest with purpose and meaning. That’s life. That’s a life worth doing. That’s a life worth living. I meet with my PORTMAN College students once a month on #askernie .
October 4, 2024
Nothing come easy but everything is POSSIBLE!
With another 2 PORTMAN International Schools and 3 Little PORTMAN Pre Schools being built, it’s amazing how much more energy I get from the adrenaline of making the impossible possible. From raising funds, to structuring M&As, designing & planning to negotiating deals with property developers and planning ahead to have a PORTMAN EduCity of our own with an IPO in the pipeline. I sometimes amaze myself with having so much on the plate that keeps me even more excited to keep learning and growing. This week has been a real blessing and I give all glory to the BIG MAN upstairs! Even today, another awesome news just came in and I was just grateful. 🙏 Thank you for the trust and opportunity to make a huge difference that is impactful, meaningful and highly profitable. It’s time to go beyond 10X and make it a 100X! If you can think it, you can make it happen. 🔥💪
#PORTMAN #Education #nothingcomeseasybuteverythingispossible
September 5, 2024
So many dreams about becoming Millionaires.