August 26, 2008

Let Me Tell You Why You’re Stupid, Sick & Poor!

Many years ago, The New York Times ran a poll regarding income mobility. About 80% of respondents believed it’s possible to start out poor in America, work hard, and become rich, others agreed their children’s standard of living would be much better than their own while 46 % said hard work is essential for getting ahead in life. This is what I think.

The poor are in the situation they are because they are too scared to work hard enough. It’s perfectly simple, though ruthless to some but:-

You don't have savings? You don't have health coverage?
- Should have worked harder.

You job pays you five ringgit an hour? - Your IQ is too low anyway.

No education? No food? One or more kids? - Who's fault is that?

Let’s be honest here about life: Shit happens.

You lose your job – and you didn't earn enough for savings: - It’s your fault

Unemployment runs out and savings is spent: - Your fault for not emergency planning

Employer refuses you unemployment: - Your fault

Fresh out of college and haven't found anything: - You should not be so fussy and greedy

One of your kids get sick: - Who told you to have kids?

Parental care: - Your parents should have worked harder

I have 2 jobs but don't make enough for insurance or to save anything: I bet you did something in your life to be in that place

If you don't have money, then just get a job. It doesn't cost money to get a job.


Anonymous said...

No fingers should be pointing someone but ourselves. Do something about it!!

Anonymous said...

My mentor, once asked me a question: "if you succeed one day, who is the FIRST person you want to share your joy with."

Now, is your turn to take a moment and think about it.

I believe you would agree with my mentor that it is gonna be yourself. Why?

Simple! This is because you can,t love anyone, if you can,t even love yourself. Of course, sometimes we do certain things for our love ones, but remember, they might put you down (out of ignorance) too.

So? Start doing something for yourself. When you succeed, everything is gonna be right! (even if you fart, they will say it smells like a bunch of roses!!!

Anonymous said...

agree with you boss....

Anonymous said...

It is telling the true! Telling the fact! When something negative, bad happens one someone else. The person always point to others and said: "Your bad!" But the person wouldn't think in other way.

A Member of outLOUDers - No.1 Confident Community

Ms Yati said...

Everything lies on the individual itself. Up to you whether you want or don’t want to have a good life. What will be measured is your effort in getting it. So if you do nothing and keep complaining, no one can help you..You’ll be a loser and poor forever.

Ms Yati said...

D24 is really GOOD. I just had some last weekend, and while eating it I can only think about the D24 mentioned by Ernie. The cost in getting the D24 is very expensive as it will only produce exceptional quality work even internally. Its good to have the good people that able to work together to achieve big thing.

Jeremy Lee said...

To many today expect things to drop onto their lap. I wonder what make them think they are so good to begin with.

Anonymous said...

"Just do it"