To the best of my knowledge, when the people vote for a certain party, it means they WANT that party to helm the state. It’s the people’s choice. Three members going solo and jumping ship may get a the state a new government, but it’s not necessarily what the rakyat wants. Or maybe that doesn’t matter; actually it never did.
What we have is an absolutely ridiculous undemocratic process hostile takeover of the Perak Governtment. What in the world is this country becoming? Are we creating Kingmakers in the corrupted assemblyman that was voted in by the rakyat. This is so clear and absolute not acceptable. This is insanity and pisses me off. I do not care who governs the state or the country. But whosoever does, must respect the Rakyat’s wishes. Have a by election and let the people decide. Not by such underhanded dirty tactics.
Its an embarassing moment for us to call ourself Malaysian... if they are willing to resolve to such dirty and humiliating tactics, just imagine what else they can possibly do to the rakyat? We are just pawn in this "representative" eyes, when will all of Malaysian wake up to this fact!!!
Agree with Ernie on this one...the people should in the end decide. What the goverment just did was to shoot themselves in the foot again. The People are already on the edge of patience with the current goverment and this just pushes the wrong buttons at a really bad time for them...we may not see the regular faces in another 4 years time HUH?
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