It is sometimes good to know that you are not everything that you think you are. It will also be good to know that the truth hurts and if we continue to live in a life of personal lies, and choose to be ignorant then you have asked for it. Seek the truth as that is what will be good for you in the long term. If you never hear the truth, you will never learn. If you push the blame it will soon come back to haunt you. We may choose to help our way but others may want to be help in a way that can also work for them. There is never just one way to skin a cat for anyone.
it does feel hurt when you know the truth. The choice is ours to choose either to embrace it, learn from it or simply ignore it (which is a dumb choice la).
Anyhow, life must go on and let the truth be the guide to us that lead us to where we suppose to be. Don't be afraid to face the truth. It is even worse when we live a lie and not knowing the truth.
in general, people always love to hear what we want to hear. Positive and encouraging words are always welcome.
i guess is very depends on individual how long we need to digest the "truth".
everything (good and bad) will always have its learning outcome.
The truth hurts for now.. but by not knowing the truth and to live in denial and ignorant, will hurt you more in the future..
so, it's better for us to know the truth and learn how to deal with it.
Oh yes! the truth definitely hurts, however accept it and move on learning from it.
Many people do not want to take the truth even they know its a truth, reason because the truth hurts. Be open minded and take the truth in a positive manner.
People just like to listen what is good about them. This kind of people is very hard to take it when someone mention something negative to them. They will just ignore it. Find an escape way...
The truth hurts, either we choose to convert the hard feeling into positive energy or negative action.
Listen to the truth, accept it and do something about it.
Take the truth even if it’s hurts soo bad, do something about it (take action) and move on as you will learn a lot along the way. Living in denial and not knowing the truth about yourself will not help you to be someone successful.
Whether we figure out the truth now or later, either way it still hurt. Move on. Face it with open heart and take it as another phase of life challenge.
It's better to hear the truth that hurts than to just brush it off.
People who tell you the truth love and trust you. They also dare place this love and trust on the line for you to improve whenever they tell the truth. It hurts now but it is worth it as it hurts a lot more later.
It is time we are told the honest truth.
truth can always help us to know where we are...truth always are facts that hurting us, but watever it is, it will always help us to move on...
Honesty is such a lonely word - Billy Joel
Saying it - easy. Listening to it - tough. Can people take it? it is another story.
we just need the truth be it good or bad.
Whether you like it or not, no one cares but YOU.
accept truth and dare to face it. This is how we improve our life. Without knowing any truth and feedback from others, we always 'in the shell'. Its time to come out from the shell........
Yes, I experienced this many time before. It's really hurt when someone tell you the truth. If you choose to live in a fairy tale life, you will never grow. The Truth is Hurts, however, this is part of the life. Learn to accept it and do something about it. And you will see a new "self".
ooo its hurt...everybody knows its hurt, it is just somebody just want to avoid it.
its takes time to digest it for sure...but if you take too long to digest it, not so great.
A standing ovation to all the people who are living in denial. For those who live life thinking ignorance is bliss, I congratulate them.
Why am I saying this is because they really think about life as a superstardom where they feel big just by dreaming. I have seen people like this who have been in and are out of my life. By seeing who they are and how they think, I can only pity them. When the truth is about to sink into when one turns 30, it is hard as hell to accept it. So how? ....DEPRESSION comes..because all the beautiful lies that has been used to build castles and fantasy lands has vanished into thin air.
But sometimes people have to take the fall for things they don't deserve. When they stand up to it, they're called "defensive" or "emotional". So what? Keep quiet because the "adult" thing would be to grin and bear it? Sure...
It takes time to face the truth. The truth sometime can even break a relationship or lose friends. Whatever the truth is, take it as a constructive feedback. Just don't take it personally.
it hurth, but we need to learn from it.
Yea. A lot of people say they can take it if u tell the truth about them, but they actually can't.
But again... my advice is take whatever ppl tell u with caution. Seek your own truth. Don't listen to people and accept 100% what they tell u.
Chetz Yusof
The truth hurts. The good thing is it's REALITY.
If we still want to live in lala land than it will always hurt.
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