April 13, 2009

Riots in Bangkok & Archuleta the Idol

Two major events, one in Thailand and the other in Malaysia. It is just amazing to see the craziness of the people when it comes to creating havoc for their own country. They are just giving their home country a bad name. Don’t this people see that they are the “patung boneka” of the multi rich politicians? The people that really suffers in Thailand are the poor people especially when tourism is such a big deal to the Thai people. Who would want to visit them now if the country is in a state of emergency?

On the contrary, the craziness of the people can also be seen by the screaming fans that would do just about anything to see their former supposed to be American Idol in person. It was something else as I heard on the radio that people even wanted to fight to have a piece of the napkin that David wipe his mouth with.

We the people are the reason that we have riots. We the people are the reason that we have idols. We the people are the power of the universe.


IdA-chAn said...

Most of the time people act and make decision based on surrounding and majority influences without measuring what the sequences they might face, harm that they might caused others for whether it's long term positive benefit or it just short-term pleasure.

CS said...

We the people are the root cause of good thing and bad thing happen.

ivan said...

The people hold such power but it takes wisdom to put it in a way beneficial to others.

Anonymous said...

This is so cool - about the napkin that is. Imagine, to be famous enough that people will want to own your filth - amazingly moronic...but then again, when it comes to Jimi Hendrix, I understand...but David A-Choo-Let-A? Hmmmmmm.....

bob asri said...

the people can do anything whether good or bad.
the mystery is, who is the person behind the people who could influence the people to do all the things...

Tannasaurus-Rex said...

Yes...people are what they choose to be.

And, we are all thinking humans. but, it is a big embarassment that most of the time, people act wihout thinking or evaluating the advices and persuasions they receive from others. It is really stupid to accept these messages at face value and putting them into actions and decisions.

Nevertheless, when can we know what to think about and how to analyze external messages especially when emotions are running high?

Now, that is not a problem to a handful, but a big issue for most.

Is this the problem? Or not?

MS said...

When people are getting too emotion, they forget about rational and they will act without thinking the consequences.

Anonymous said...

If these people keep acting like this, definitely the country will getting poor. So pity to the people and the country. Agreed with CS.

Darren said...

The passion of the Thai people is without bounds but maybe the direction and method is wrong. This does not just happen in Thailand but even here in Malaysia.We need to make sure that what we fight for is worth the effort or trouble...
" Choose your battles well...for the wrong ones lead you to an all out war".....Guru Darren...tm

MY said...

Everything we do has affects on the people around us. People often take things for granted when it comes to others and make decisions based on emotional feelings which will lead to riots and fights and whatever else.

sam said...

Human mind can do wonders..

Unknown said...

At the end of the day, we are the one that decides...who we will follow and what we will do.

eb said...

everything has caused and effects. the power blinded the eyes and the fame glitter the heart.

cRayOngAL said...

We are the one to decide the future no matter for ourselves or other people... So please don't underestimate ourselves or the power of us being the majority influences...

Sandman said...

Sometime we don't know what are thing that we try to show the world. Think more

KeNg said...

The people have the right to express, but we must say it and do it to the right way to show to our authorities and government. Not simply act by emotional.

NEIMA said...

Interesting to know that "Malaysian" would rather screem for David Archuletta Napkin then to screem for real democracy!!!!

daniel said...

Oh gosh! Because of their own ego, they pull down their own country economy, major income. Too bad! Not a right decision had been made.

KNJ said...

I believe that the people are showing their disatisfaction towards the government and not realising that they will be facing the impact of their actions

BQ said...

Spot on NEIMA.

But i think the perfect song for this topic is John Lennon's Imagine. It is a powerful song.

Sya said...

It's remind me about a song:

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the LOVE..

huimin_christy said...

Gosh, napkin.. For God Sake, they are humans too, just like us..

Jeremy Lee said...

Both incidents are crazy. One affects the country that is already in hardship and the other is "commited" by a group that is too free.

syed said...

they got nothing better to do . their rioting because they got the time in the world.