It is biggest joke to me when I still see advertisements like this in the papers. I am surprised that there are still people buying the idea that you can still make money from the internet starting from scratch without any experience or some even claim that without any effort making money in your pajamas. What are they thinking? How can anyone in the right frame of mind be wanting to get rich the fast and easy way? Have they never heard of the saying easy come easy go? I have been to way many Internet marketing previews to see how and why it cannot work as a business. It cannot work because it does not have a sustainable business model. Let me bring to your attention all you internet marketing groupies that the internet is a great and powerful marketing tool. And that is all it is. You will still need to have a business model that works. If you want to know how? Visit www.millionairebusinessschool.com.my and you will learn how to build a sustainable business model.
Many just wants the prospects of easy money but while it might generate money, indeed it is not sustainable. Hence in the long run, it isn't the best solution.
Well , people always want the easy way out. Work less or not at all and make millions. I believe hard work is the only way to become rich not only in the monetary sense and but also experience wise...
well...if you do not want to work, do not eat, drink, bath, even LIVE.
if you want simple life, work enough to eat enough, drink enough and live enough. just enough. not more not less.
if you want to have a good life, good food and so on. you need to work more than enough.
if you want more than that, you need to work harder and harder. it is simple as that.
If starting business that easy, I believe Malaysia already have thousands of millionaire ...think rationally and act wisely, nothing comes easy
There are a lot people looking for an easy way to become rich in a short period of time. And becasue of this, this kind of "Entrepuer" target them, influrence them and set up a trap for them. Stop dreaming, step your feet on the floor and work step by step. This is the only way...
Plese see and ask for the real person who are millionaire don't use virtual people as your guidence.
technologies only helping if internet connection is superb fast!
interenet connection down, internet marketing and earning money equals zero..
especially, malaysians are not mature yet in doing online transaction.
If getting rich was a click away from the internet, I wonder why there are so many people in the world who crave for a piece of bread everyday??
this is the same as get-rich quick scheme!
To make an internet marketing work, there a lot of efforts, hours and sacrifices to be made. it does not work if you just staring at the computer and waiting for it to work. That is insanity!
Be tech savvy if you want to venture into internet marketing. By attending a talk does not make u millionaire overnight...
People still buying the idea is because there are still many "lazy" people out there. When i read this article, i'm thinking the people who love to buy "toto" and "4D" too. Is because their contribution. Rich people are getting rich. This is because they know the weakness of poor people and how to make money from poor people.
I always believed that no such fast and easy way to get rich. The only way to get rich is that we have to work hard or learn from the real "millionaire".
Starting or doing a business based on emotional will help you get nowhere... We need to think rational, wise and most importantly plan ahead if we want to do business. No shortcut in this world.... please...
Easy come, easy go...point to ponder.
Kesian this people kena con with internet scheme....
I don't agree with starting and sustaining a business without any experience.....
Experience is the most valuable thing in life....
Have the right desire...what you want in you life? Money? Own a business?
Decide! Stick to it! Work on it!Live with it!
I notice that ads like that normally has a testimony of some person that has made it using that method. I really wonder sometimes how does that happen..
They are selling a hope with emotional to those who think of money can come easily.
Hey, better use your time and effort to start and work hard for real business if you want to start your own business.
There is only 5% of the people in the world are rich because the 5% of the people in the world willing to work hard to build a strong business model. The 95% of the people are just hoping and wishing to become rich in a easy way.
If money was so easy to get then why work? Everybody just stay at home and earn money la!
Haven't you ppl learnt yet that all this is a gimmick and your just making the speaker richer? OMG!
It's not easy to become rich,.
If we've gone through with a lot of hardship and difficulties in achieving what we want, we'll more appreciate it.
all this advertisement is only to get you excited on one thing. tp get your money out of your pocket into their pocket if there think it is that easy why dont they do it themselves rather than buid up new competitor.
"Anda Mahu Jadi Jutawan dengan Cara Yang Mudah?"
It is so sad people undermind other people with this kind of schemes which makes people think it is easy to achieve. And sadder when there are people who fall for it.
Bolo punya olang
Everyone wants to get rich the easy way. So they plough more money then they have to do somethng they are not passionate or know much about and in the end get NOTHING.
wah! making money without hard work. u can influence the others but not the ATCEN people. be cause we are in the business industry and we know how it works.
the road to hell is paved with god intentions and an easy path...or so it seems...
the IT world has grow and growth until now..some people already in the world of internet when they were born..its really a great great great influence to the people to develop their skills and knowledge since they were kids..and nowadays, its really become such a huge market with a large amount of opportunity in it to be discovered..
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