What a Shame!
I really wonder why the hell do we even bother to vote them in to destroy the UNITY that we have worked so hard to enjoy the peace, harmony and above all else the tolerance that we have in the country that I love so much. It is time for these politicians to wake up and stop using us the rakyat as excuses to further enhance their power and wealth and start working for us. If you can’t even get it right in the Dewan Rakyat, then maybe you should all visit the ATCEN International Group to learn about how everyone get along without concern of race, religion, gender and even if you are a homosexual. And belief me, when I do say we have them all, we are damn proud to say that we are truly a Bangsa Malaysia company. We are ATCEN. We are ATCEN. We are ATCEN.
such a shame to hear, read and most ultimately VOTE for the one that are going to or already DESTROY the unity that we have cherished all these years.
Do something to help the rakyat and the country do better in what possible way i.e. working together, and not bickering about who is in power!
I am proud to be ATCENians!
Always... Proud to be ATCENians!!!
Bleed orange~~~
Live ATCEN!!! We are ATCEN!
If it was all for the rakyat as they claimed, they wouldn't be wasting time doing all those nonsense.
They really can learn alot from ATCEN.
sigh...this is why i hate politics...but on the other hand i cant just ignore it.
I'm proud to be ATCENians. We live our way. The Politicians should do something about their existance, before it's too late. Remember that the RAKYAT is not as stupid as you think.
And it is very sad to see that Malaysian are just observing the situation in Perak as a spectator...
Proud to be Malaysian! Proud to be ATCENian!
I always want to be a proud Malaysian.....
I found a family that is a MALAYSIAN......ATCEN!
Great to have the feeling.....
Live like an ATCENians!
I lear to be a best Malaysian IN ATCEN...
Just wondering, don't they feel shame when such pictures appear in news paper with their faces there? Maybe they forgot how to feel shame the moment they go into politics.
haha..That is certainly a great comparison you have there on your post, between the 2 pics.
A real and best case study of Muhibbah of Malaysia in...ATCEN!!
Obviously, they are fighting not because of they care about Malaysian. But they care about their ownselves, their power, as well as their pocket. When I was young, my school teachers taught me, we should proud that we are Malaysian. Because we can stay togehter, even though we have different races, religions. But now I don't think it is aplicatable to all. Only part of the Malaysian can do it and ATCEN International Group is the best example to show to all Malaysian!
I learnt on how to work with different races of friends in ATCEN. We respect each others in this family. We are a real Malaysia.
I like to read and chit chatting about politics, but not to join them. Sometimes its quite sickening to read about all the damages that have been done by these politicians. What atcen has started is good and keep it up...! Show them that its not that difficult to create a good and strong team after all.... (thumbs up..!)
Maybe the Perak state or even the Federal goverment should sent a leaning envoy to ATCEN. It is here that that can learn about how to be truly Malaysians.
Darren Suresh.
This is really a shame to the country! When the leaders of this country discriminates race why wont the people do it?
Stop this racial segregation and everything will OK.
hidden agenda this what happening . if we are sincere in the things we do. there will never be all this commotion.
They are good at Main Wayang..
Create an uproar to create ATTENTION..if it's something worth shouting about, than it's OK.. but if nothing good comes out of it, than they just need to shut up..
sick an tired with same old politic issues...repeating the same nonsense over and over again.
Those politicians, they should live in ATCEN country!~
Malaysian politicians, please do something for the benefit of citizens, not your own interest! People votes you is for you to become their representatives to speak about their needs.
We are ATCEN!!
For one good politician there is Ten Thousands bad one. They talk about One Malaysian. ATCENians show it all the time.
feels good to work with different races and different culture of people... i feel "office politics" will be lesser... compared to same race working mates.
1 for all..all for 1..
ATCENians the best!!
really proud to b apart of all ATCENians..
Malaysian need reformation on the politics.
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