People always ask me what keeps me going even though there are so many challenges day in day out in wanting to achieve my dreams. Isn’t it just so much easier to just give up and let go. Just live a normal and routine life that will keep the peace for everyone. You see, I decided long time ago that I do not want to just exist and that if I were to live, I was going to be living a productive and meaningful life. I have learnt that no matter how tough a situation can be, it will always pass. It is just another bad situation and I am always bigger and stronger to overcome them. Just as long as I Never Give Up! Go over, go under, go around or go through it. But NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Success is closer than you think it really is.
With perseverance develops character...
The greatest achievement in our life is to stand up from each failure and never ever give up.
Life is a survival challenge. we have been promised with a lots of challenges in life. Do the best and strive for your goals. Once you give up, what you only have is only a living body with a dead soul and dead dreams.
Nothing comes easy in life. If one tends to give up with the first try, than better not try at all. You have choices in life, if the first route doesn't get you to where you want to go than try another.. there will always be another way to achieve what you want in life..
Better a Has-been than a Never-was. But better a Never-was than a Never-tried-to-be ~ by Anonymous
There are many resources for different obstacles. Keep moving!
In live there will always be tough times... like the sayin goes, What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger... When you give up on something, its like giving up on yourself.
Things will happen in your life that you can't stop, but that's no reason to give up. There's a purpose for the good and for the bad...giving up is NOT an option.
No one will ever see me quit, because I simply won't. If I start something, I will finish it and do it well.
"Tough times never last, but tough people do" - Dr. Robert Schuller
What ever coming to your way, endure it and find solution to the problem but never ever give-up..there must be at least one way to overcome that..if we fail - that's a lesson to learn..if we succeed - it is also a lesson to learn in order to keep on winning
I never give up to do something that I want! If you can't use Plan A try to Plan B, if you can't use Plan B try to Plan C.. There are no such things in this WORLD easy to get. No matter how way you do you MUST to achieve it!
Keep Moving!!
Don't give up because you may just be near the winning post. Pearls of motivational sayings from wise men who have won the hard way.
The moment you choose your path, make sure you keep walking on it. Never give up until your last breathe went off. What we started off make sure we finish it. Life's never been easy so make good use of it.
If you failed 100 times, try 101!
Very true indeed...i do not want to live a normal life... will not settle for normal... normal is common.... lets be SUPER!!!
Failures is an EXPERIENCE to be TOUGH!!
Never giving up was never an option for me and it will remain that way always...there is more than 1 way to achieve a dream/result, so why quit??
He'll never give us obstacle that we can't handle. The strength to overcome it is in ourselves, only thing is we didn't realize it yet... as we are too busy looking at others, comparing ourselves to others rather than looking back at ourselves...
Failure it is a norm in any human beings life and for me I failed and get up to do it , fight it and the end I got it. Giving up is equivalant to suicide once you give up nothing in life is achieveable for you.
Life is all about survival..hence, givin up is not an option~
Always heard and seen this statement : "When Life Gives You Lemon, You make it a Lemonade"
My response : "Add some Honey to make it taste better than just the sour lemonade"
It is not easy to take sour experience and emotions in daily basis but When there's a trouble, there is/will be a Trouble. So still have Work out the solutions and move on with the right mindset in our mind.
The success can be achieve after we face the failure and failure.Indirectly, we'll appreciate the moment that had we faced it our hard time. Nobody can teach & give that experince only us can felt it. So, the wisdom word is No pain, No gain and please NEVER GIVE UP as EC said.
Don't say give up in your life. What i am doing i mostly have plan A, plan B until i achieve the targeting.
Yes. all is said in those words. Believe in something and fight till the end.
That is true.. being productive a lot of challenges. One Word "Never Give Up"
Syiok sendiri but he knows he can do it~never give up never surrender~
LIFE, you either go with the river and be dictated by it or stand strong and find new ways to dictate it. What is your constant choice everyday?
There have been many a time when the body was weary and the mind was worn however with spirit and belief i've manged to overcome the emotional and physical obstacles that are placed in my path to deter me from reaching higher and discovering more of myself...
Very true, i will never give up to achieve my goals and ATCEN's as well. Cheers!
what ever happen, need to move on.dont just wait without doing nothing
It's always the mentality that determines our action.
When we are clear of what we want to achieve and hang on it, we will achieve.
Never give up!
agreed...never give up went never challenges infront of you...never give up once opportunities is coming..... :)
dreams are goals...goals are whether short term or long term....and these things are there to be achieved...so get to it...and get it done...
Doesn’t matter how many times you fall, all that matters is how many times you get up.
Whatever pressure or harassment
we encounter in the world
--even if we appear at times
headed for defeat--
in the end
we raise ourselves up and
--infused with new strength
and confidence--
go on to victory.
This we do ever and always,
always and ever again.
- Daisaku Ikeda
Obstacles always occur every day that makes you want to give up. But once you have decided to do what you want, obstacles is a just a piece of cake for you!
'My mama always told me, life's a box of chocolates, who has trouble finishing chocolates?'
Marc Hanks, City Gump
Winner never give up! think a way to go around the obstacles.. bend it, stretch it, pull it, reverse it!
u will find the light at the end of the tunnel!
"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail". Ralph Waldo Emerson
There's a say....
Fail to Plan Is Plan to Fail,
In Life is to do with a choice we make!
Life goes on, so decide well!
~ failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success. Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly ~
If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything..
Challenge and preassure is part of our daily life regardless on work or with our life. To me when I'm assign to be responsible on something , I will always get ready and perform my responsibilities to the end, with all the challenge and preassure that I will go thru. So 'Giving Up' is not in my dictionery, cuz it doesnt happen when you understand it never happened.
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