I recently came across the above tagline and it reminded me that this is how I have always been leading my life all these years. This is by no means a representation that I am arrogant but a strong statement that I would like to share with people that crosses my path be it personal or business. This is who I am and this is what I am about. When I keep my silence does not mean that I do not know what you have done. When I keep my silence, does not mean I have forgotten. When I keep my silence, does not mean that I will not come after you in time to come.
Being SILENCE at times is more eloquent than words and is a fence around one's wisdom.
Gua Lansi Gua Die. Everyone is replaceable.
Don't ever take things for granted, we are watching you...
Kapish(understand), Don Ernie.
Don’t cross the line.
The truth is, whether you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now.
"Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in."
There are times when silence has the loudest voice...! Wait and see!
Keeping Silence does not mean know nothing. "Do not judge a book by its cover"
Being SILENT doesn't mean a person is not doing anything...he or she might be in a process of bringing something BIG...That's call SILENT KILLER...
In the depths of silence only can u discover ur true self.
I like this. revenge is inevitable!! A dish best served cold as some ppl will describe it.
Don't be afraid to change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better
if an handphone is in silent mode and a call comes in.....
it still vibrates....
means its working in a silent mode...
same as me...
I may be look silent...
but I am in plan of something...
because I believe in OANT...
Perpatah Melayu ada berkata "Air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya..."
Your actions speaks louder and we must always remember that all the high pitch talk doesn't mean anything until all put into actions and silence can kill ;)
Action speaks louder than words.
Saying nothing.. sometimes says the most..
Keeping silent doesn't mean I do nothing because I don't shout OUT LOUD what I do.
like a gun, even if it's on silencer it still can kill people..
If I LANSI, I will MATI!!!!
Muhammad (pbuh) said “If a person is given silence, he is given wisdom”, the tongue is a great temptation, and learning how to control it is an enormous discipline.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
When I keep my silence, does not mean that I will not come after you in time to come. When time comes, I will definitely make you regret for all the bullshit things you have done,for all the time I've wasted on you.So,enjoy the peace and silence before storm.
we have the 'tata tertib' that we are taught by elders since we are young. when we grew up, we forgot the basic fundamental of human behaviour.. RESPECT!
when we stop respecting each other, it is only the matter of time before we get the bite...
Lu lansi, lu mati and kita olang talak ada RESPEK sama lu!!
lu cinta lu,
lu work ekstra la..
Lu Langsi.. Lu Mati... Lu Mati Lu Sorrylah... Wa tak trust Lu Lagi...!!
"What goes around comes around.."
Aku lansi aku mati...very scary.
Yes! Agreed! Life is too short to be LANSI..
i am on silence mode as well...but i will make sure that my works are done...
I LIKE < GeethA@ALC said...
if an handphone is in silent mode and a call comes in.....
it still vibrates....
means its working in a silent mode...
same as me...
I may be look silent...
but I am in plan of something...
because I believe in OANT...
January 30, 2011 7:14 PM>
"He that who live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows nor judge all he sees" Benjamin Franklin
~sometimes silence is better than talking on something that you just dont know~
Lolz, Good tagline. I like =D
Don't mess with human without respect & knowledge because this tagline can be used to curse people.LU LANGSI LU MATI!
God didn't create us to be lansi so just don't try to even change it.
"It seems in today's world, the power to absolve debt is greater than the power of forgiveness."
That was a good statement on when you keep your silence. Inspirational!
masih baca di tahun 2013
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