As I reflect back on how we have continuously & consistently grow our companies, it has definitely been without a doubt more than a great ride so far. In life as in business, obstacles and challenges are there to keep us stimulated. However many have failed to take it on from a more positive light. They tend to just complain, blame and give all sorts of excuses on why they did not make it and why they did not get what they want. You see, these losers can never admit to themselves that they are incompetent and if they were to do so, it would have been their fault. Losers just cannot accept the fact that they are losers. On the contrary, if we continuously and consistently take massive actions, we will be creating abundance and opportunities right in front of our eyes. They next time, you think about complaining, blaming and giving excuses, think again. Just say thank you and move forward from there.
"Let no corrupting talk come out of our mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
To success in life, you shouldn't have any complains, blame and excuses. Only HARDWORK will get you there!
Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone. "Thank You" is a word need to be spoken. Don't keep it to your self.
Remember, failure is an event, not a person. So, neither blame or praise yourself nor anyone else..
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. ~Bob Moawad
You only have yourself to thank for your current situation whether you like it or hate it. As you begin to realize that you created whatever your experiencing take responsibility for changing it. The future success you want can only happen through your plans and actions.
There's a difference between interest and commitment.
When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.
We should take critism as a drive to push us to do better by not looking at it from the negative side but try to find what have we done wrong and work on it. Turn negative thought into something positive and use the power of our mind to achive greatness so that one day we can turn to the guy who critised us and we can say to him/her with a straight face "thanks for criticizing me that day, now am better than you".
Don't complain, don't blame , don't give any excuses and don't forget to say thank you.It's a basic guidelines for us to move forward and be a winner in what ever we do.
COMPLAINS, BLAMES and EXCUSES are 3 BAD ATTITUDES that all of us cannot APPLY if we want to be SUCCESSFUL in life!!!
To err is human and hence, no point making complains,blames and excuses as we are in control of our own destiny.
Excuses is for losers. What ever come, we need to endure it, then only we can strive forward.
hard work only its not enough its about working SMART and getting result
It all about be positive,if you want to complain, blame or give excuses, blame yourself first. change yourself first,before want to complains on other.
If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for the Creator, there is no poverty.
NO COMPLAINS, because complaining is only for BABY.
NO BLAME,because blaming only if you do something wrong.
NO EXCUSE,because excuse only for COWARD..!
Stop complaining about the “miserable” life that you have... just move forward and say thank you....
:-) I get really frustrated with ppl constantly complaining, blaming and giving stupid excuses of Why their life sucks!! OMG.. If you keep on doing the above 3 things your life is still going to suck so take actions to rectify the issue and move on!
Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. Some people have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.
Let's just Stop Complains, Blame and Giving Excuses, instead... Move Forward!
Break free from excuses and you will march forward to EXCELLENCE!
We all must stop complaining, blaming and giving excuses on every tasks given. Always say thank you to every new things we learn and move forward towards success. In the end, our dream will come true.
Yes,Just admit our mistakes before we complains, blame and give excuses to anyone else..
Yes!No Complains, No Blame, No Exuces!You may feel good because you don't have to think about this silly things. Just do your work. lets get freedom!!!yeay!!
Yes!!No Complains, No Blame, No Exuces!Just do your work!Lets get freedom.Yeay!
Yes, definitely. Many of us as a freshman in the industry tends to complains about overloading jobs and never ending challenges. Always bear in mind that, complains will never take us to higher gratitude, but solutions do. So let's buck up and move forward with a humble heart.=)
Success is a tale of obstacles overcome!And excuses just another word for failure!!
STOP COMPLAINING, STOP BLAMING & STOP GIVE EXCUSES BECAUSE that is one of the way for us to cover our own mistakes....learn from the mistake, say thank you and move forward...
To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult. Before you can point your finger at someone to blame, point it to yourself and ask how different would you have done it..
Throw the complains, blames and excuses away... keep on smiling and say thank you..
Ya.Life is like going up and down. When we meet somethings cheerful we should be grateful, however when there are some problems and obstacles ,we have to face it ,solve it rather then complain and blame which will make the life more worst .
believe life is to be lived, not to complains, enjoyed, not agonized, loved, not hated.
Complaining, Blaming, and giving excuses are for people who doesn't appreciate opportunities and wants an easy life. Be real, stop lying to yourself, and do something to improve by taking actions. We are here to help ourself and wait for no one.
Admit our mistake,have a minute to think about it and correct the mistakes.Smile and accept with Thank You.
Stop complaining too much as we never knew what has been installed ahead of us. If we dont experience it, we might not get it.
t0 success in life,we sh0uldn't c0mplain and give excuses....
Excuses leads to nowhere in life...
World-class complainers need to ask what they're getting out of it.Sooooo,don't be all talk.Complaining is just so much gum-flapping unless it's paired with doing. :P
yes, just do your work & enjoy it...
people tend to forget this: 1 finger point out to others, but 4 fingers pointing to ourself.
Contribute what you can and keep leaning. No non-sense and rubbish!
Swallow in, take deep breath and tell ourselves that " There is no one to blame, one hand can never clap" . Absorb in feedback and start all over again with a brand new method.
a person with great mission and vision u dont need complains and excuses in career and in life...i wish u all the best in your mission and vision ahead Mr. Ernie
kuldip - ex staff
buat apa nak COMPLAINS..
buat apa nak BLAME..
buat apa nak EXCUSES kalau semua dari ernie chen berikan terbaik.
work hard to achieve success..
work smart after we had the achievement..
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