Some of you may have heard or know that I have recently started on my DBA. As I write this, I am actually in a coffee house on a Sunday afternoon working on my DBA assignments. And for those that really did not know, I actually started my first attempt at my DBA 15 years ago but did not complete. I was half way there but lots of distractions came into the picture. And when I said distractions, I mean challenges in life and time commitment to many other things. As I made the decision to start my DBA again and I mean from the start (as my last DBA is no longer valid after 15 years), it is by no means that my life challenges and time commitment are any less. In fact I have more life, & business challenges and much less time. As a matter of fact, I have been spending every weekend and the Raya holidays working on my DBA assignments. Is it tough? You better believe it is. The reality is simple. Sometimes we just have to let go to move forward. If you have not done that lately, its time to let go of whatever that keeps you from going forward. Have a great life ahead as I will. Always.
"... its time to let go of whatever that keeps you from going forward"
^ This. Thank you boss.
I live by this phrase: Ancora Imparo - I am still learning. A reminder that mistakes are a learning curve, that every first, second, third time, provides opportunity for improvement, that you are always Ancora Imparo.
I admire your courage and I want to have that courage in me.
Agree with you boss. Letting go helps us to move on and grow. Wishing you a great life ahead boss. May all of us be blessed with happiness and success in life:)
Teruslah belajar
Semenjak di langit timur menyembur saat fajar
Sampai di cakrawala nan luas menghampar
Bulan elok bersinar
Teruslah menuntut ilmu
Di segenap tempat, di setiap waktu
Tapi jangan lupa berdoa
Kehadirat Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa
memohon perlindungan-Nya
Rahmat karunia dan keselamatan
Kekuatan menempuh perjalanan
Teruslah belajar , Sayang
Dimanapun dan kapan saja, di segenap cuaca
Di sekolah di rumah, dalam asuhan
Guru-guru dan ibu-bapa
Yang baik hati dan bijaksana, serta cerdas cendikia
Belajar apa saja, iptek, agama, budaya
Supaya masa depan indah cemerlang dan rapi tertata
Hidup bahagia dan sejahtera
Sampai akhir masa
Keep on leaning... love this poetry...
Yes, Agree with this as I also started to move forward to upgrade myself to the higher level of education.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
― Nelson Mandela
Thank you boss. I'll take this as an inspiration for me to move forward in achieving my goals in the future. Cheers for a great life ahead. -May May-
Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.
-Kofi Annan
Agreed boss. Sometimes we letting go something good for something better.
Work Hard, Play Hard, Study Smart. Sometimes we just have to let go to move forward. Its an Opportunity Cost Boss, letting go for something better.
Changes are hard.. especially when you are making changes to something that you had hold on to for a very long time. But if it is the only step that will make you move forward, than you must let go and move on..
Agree that we must always move forward in life. There will be sacrifices made, but it will be worthwhile in the end if it brings you your perceived happiness and success. All the best in your endeavours to complete the DBA this round!
Dear Boss,
I will take this as a great reminder at the right time. Thank you. At times, we tend to forget that we are responsible for our own future and for that we have to give up on certain things and move forward. Time to rise!
Life is too short too be too playful. All of us have needs in life and it is needed too to be responsible for our future plannings and move forwards to achieve the greatest goals in life.
i proud to you boss. keep it up..
-Nazlin Ahaddin-
Agreed!! Life moves on and so should we...
If you don't let go of the past, you will never move forward. I am not doing by DBA but I spend my weekends helping the needy. Something that I have always wanted to do for a very long time but always faced challenges. Now I am determined and whenever an opportunity to help the needy, I will take go for it!
We get an education not for the fame and good name but to increase our angle of looking at things.
Michelle Liew
Rise Up, Start Fresh and See The Bright Opportunity in Each New Day.
Education and knowledge is the power. Thus, we all should keep learning and move forward to achieve our goals in the future.
Thank you Boss for your inspiration.
" The reality is simple". Sometimes we just have to let go to move forward."
I agreed with you and i admire you as a DBA challenger. All the best for your DBA
Agree Boss.
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