September 5, 2024

So many dreams about becoming Millionaires.


So many dreams about becoming Millionaires. How many are willing to do the time and pay the dues of commitment to hard work day in day out, facing failures after failures after a prolonged period of time? If you are not then don’t bother dreaming about it. You are wasting your time. And NO, successful millionaires do not waste time with people of no value and money on branded stuffs yet when they are trying to get to their first Million. They will save every last cent from everything they make to reinvest back into the business that they want to become a millionaire from. They will not waste time living work life balance. They will not be around losers that will waste your time away. We all start at different leverage points. However you can change your leverage points along the journey even when you are born into poverty or bad influence of a family or even married into a failed marriage. Yes! You can change it all. So when people ask me why do I know if someone will ever succeed? It’s a pattern. It’s not difficult to identify who will succeed and who will fail. Luck will only be with those that work hard and learn everything they can in their core competency. Life is about outcomes. Life is about results that you are happy with. No bullshit and no shortcuts. If I were serious about making more money, creating more wealth and having a much better life for the future, I will model after those that have been there and done that. Nothing comes easy and everything is possible. All the best. 😉 #nobullshit #shapeuporshutup

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