It's Not How Hard You Fall But How Fast You Get Back Up!
Failure is just the beginning to many great successes. If we do not know how to fail, we definitely do not know how to appreciate real success. Its not how hard you fall but how fast we get back up. To those of you that have failed, it is only temporary. Keep pushing hard and let it get in your way to achieving whatever that you have set yourself to achieve. We only live ONCE. GO all out!!!
It not easy to success but easy to fail. However, learn from the fail or mistake but make sure you don't repeat the same mistake continuously.
yes,that right.. everyone can get back up from the fall,but the different is how long they take the time to get back up..
Life is given to us for a reason, to make full use of it. One can never know the pain of failure without that slap on the face. Only then can one appreciate the hardship of every effort put into the work.
Don't afraid with failures... When you failed, you know the right way to solved the problem later in future...
i agree with u boss... it doesn't mean, once we fall, we will fall just we need to learn how fast to get back up.
Its a part of live...get back up fast and move on. Time is not waiting for us.
A man with no arms and no legs said "it all depends if you are willing to get up or give up" so if you don't get up sooner you're eventually going to give up.... so move it...!
-Stephanie -
Failure is just part of our daily life. Deal with it!
agreed -raziff
Mistakes are the secret of success. We should learn from our mistakes to achieve success.
Success and Failure is a cycle of life. LEARN from it and MOVE FORWARD for BETTER, GOOD and GREAT life... :D
Its OK to fall, learn from it and never make the mistake!
Every man fails, his failure creates history when he succeeds.
Do not afraid to fail as failing is a way of learning. By failing we might find new ways to achieved things & improved our creativity.
If a person faces failure in his pathway of success that means success is just around the corner.NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL YOU WIN.
ya is true, sometime failure are good, when we came across failure when will learn allot of things,it js take time to recover from the failure, But failure will give a key to success....
to achieve a success requires a strong spirit and patience. prayer and work hard to achieve the goal to succeed ..
to go through a failure without conditions only need to give up and lazy.
failure never find us, but success also will not come suddenly.
Inspirational and a good reminder indeed.
thank you bos
-john it
it true, when failure, must workhard to get successful life.. siti
Agreed. Defeat is just a part of the battle. The war aint over. You loose, you get back up.. and when you wanna get back up, u better do it fast! we wouldnt want to get too comfortable on the ground now do we.
agreed. don't give up! learn from the mistake. Hana
everyone will face ups and downs in their life. a failure doesnt mean that fail forever. it is just the beginning of a successful thing to come.
Even a superstar do fall in their life. But a great superstar knows how to get up in a great way and continue to amaze others...
Failure is part of the game of life. If we fall, we should learn from it, appreciate that we still have chance and overcome it wisely.
Failure a FIRST step to VICTORY!take every FALL to GET UP asap !You dont move TIME will MOVE and u will end up FAILURE !better to be known as a SURVIVOR then a FAILURE !get up keep trying One day all the EFFORT will be PAID!
treat failure as a stepping stone to success.
If you are afraid to venture into something new for the fear of failing.. than you will never succeed in anything in life..
Yes Boss, I also have experience many failure in my life but thanks God that I have never give up.
"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."
~ Henry Ford
For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.
what ever you do, you must finished strong.
we should learn from our mistakes but don't repeat the mistake and work hard we will success in future.
Kalau nak buat benda baru kena senang terima teguran. Bikin kerja pakai akal. Jgn pakai hati, mulut, kaki, etc. Selalu beringat, hormat. Insyallah! Hoo-aah!!
We can fall as many times we wish but every fall we had we must get back up fast, lot of fail means a bigger success in future
Keep going no matter what the obstacles are and eventually success will come. Bila hujan mesti banjir!
Experience comes after each failure. Failing in something doesn't make you a loser or so-called good for nothing fella. Going thru these stages makes you appreciate the true meaning of successes. However, DO NOT take too long to mourn on your failures, get up quickly and double your effort, make sure DO NOT repeat the same mistake again. Success is never far behind...
one who rises up would smell victory and taste the glory of winner.
one who rises up would smell victory and taste the glory of a winner
There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.
Tony Robbins
Yes , we must open our mind and eyes , crying for the past failure is not important , but to think what we have to learn from that failure is more important . Take the lesson and start to wake up .More failure we meet means more success we found if we realize what our main ambition and objective .adilah...
Those of you have failed doesn't mean that you are LOSER or the end of your life. It is just a beginning for you to become successful person yet better than the others. Never give up to do something until you get it!
Keep pushing bebeh!
No one can prepare you for what heights you will soar until you spread your wings.
Abong said...
Failure is a part of learning proses, to make us more focus & smarter than ever
No one can prepare you for what heights you will soar until you spread your wings.
Anyway Boss, will do my best
i will do my best boss not fall.
Learn from our failures!
Agree on this. Every human has their on flaws thus mistakes is a valuable learning process. Never repeat the same mistakes twice.
Everyone will fall. The different between us is how the person face it and get back more stronger. -Ameer
Dont cry when you fall, but be happy cos it happens -Azizi
Life is a gamble, some time you make the right decision and some time not. Don't be afraid to make the move, this makes you one step closer to you dream.
Yes..! agreed that, it's really motivated us..
Life is a gamble, some time you make the right decision and some time not. Don't be afraid to make the move, this makes you one step closer to you dream.
Agreed...Failures comes...for us to experienced it..and not experience the same failure again...keep moving forward
Merasa miskin sebelum kaya. Merasa sakit sebelum sihat. Sepertimana kita perlu bekerja keras untuk berjaya dan terus berjaya. Kejayaan bukan sesuatu yang boleh jatuh dengan sendiri. Tapi perlu dipelajari dengan adanya usaha yang boleh mendatangkan hasil! Jangan sesekali berputus asa!
[Failure is just the beginning to many great successes!!]
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