As we get close to ending a very tough 2015, there are many uncertainties that looms over us in 2016. With warnings of global recession, economic downturn, Malaysians losing jobs and rising cost of living in Malaysia, we have only one option.
The ONLY option we have is to perform exceptionally well for 2016. I am a firm believer that in every crisis situation there lies an abundance of opportunities. As an organization, we have taken a strategic decision to ensure that we are well prepared for the growth of the organization for 2016 and moving forward.
Tough decisions were made and will continue to be made to ensure that we only have highly competent professionals with high character working with us. For those that do not understand what this means, let me make it very clear to you. We will ONLY have team members that will perform and deliver desired results. Our work values of Integrity must be upheld. That means we do not cheat, lie or steal. We will take legal actions on those that has abused the trust of the organizaton. Our work philosophy of not blaming, complaining and giving excuses must be abided by. We do not appreciate laziness and we sure do not condone people that do not care enough about what they do. We are now moving towards a rigorous process of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of everything that we do.
I will be sharing more on the 21st of November in our strategic direction meeting.
Noted boss.
I can't wait to hear the plan for next year!
Looking forward to yet another exciting year ahead!
Noted on this matter boss.
Noted, boss. See you on 21st Nov. I hope it's a great step in 2016 plan!
Everything is easy when you are CRAZY about it and nothing is easy when you are LAZY about it! Looking forward for a fabulous 2016! -Theivanai Muniandy-
Noted Boss
Can'r wait to hear the plan for exciting year ahead!
Yes looking forward on this..
Noted and acknowledged on this boss. Looking forward for what lies ahead. Thank you.
May 2016 be a pivot for improvements for all of us.
Noted boss with much thanks
Have a good day
Noted Boss.
Looking forward for next year.
Noted Boss.
Noted Boss. - Jay
Noted on this boss.
- Nazlin Ahaddin-
Noted on this Boss.
Looking forward for next year.
Noted boss. Looking forward for 2016 plans as well. -May May-
Looking forward for the meeting. :) - Nur Ain -
Noted and acknowledged on this Boss.
thank you.
Let's face 2016 with the right people and right ambition!Looking forward to know more on your plans for 2016 boss.
Noted and understood. Looking forward for the 2016's plans.
I wish you every success in the future. Thanks.
Noted on this Boss. Looking forward for the plans.
Looking forward for the new plans.
I am looking forward to this annual meeting.
"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively."
Thank you for keep reminding us on the integrity which I believe it's very important to every individual to succeed in life. :)
2015 has definitely not been easy, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Looking forward to an AWESOME 2-0-1-6 with all the right moves in all the right places.
I believe teamwork is very important in an organization. Everyone have their own strength and talent to support each other.
Michelle Liew
Looking forward for the annual meeting, as a new comer i keen to learn more from you boss. cant wait for 2016 plan, boss.
Can't wait to this meeting!!!
Next Year will be AN AWESOME year!!!
I'm grate to have the AWESOME leader and team that I work with now!!!
2016, I'm looking forward.
Noted, Mr Ernie. I am feel excited for the meeting. Thank you Mr Ernie share the information to us.
Looking forward for the upcoming meeting, more to come on 2016 AWESOME Year.
Received and thanks Mr.Ernie, I'm looking forward for the AWESOME coming 2016!!
Thanks Mr.Ernie,looking forward for the meeting upcoming 2016..
Looking forward to another great year ahead with the plans put in place.
Looking forward for the new plan 2016
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