May 24, 2016

The Power of NO BULLSHIT!

  1. Over the years I have worked with all kinds of races. It does not matter if you are Chinese, Malay, Indian and all others, bullshit does not recognise your race. Bullshit is bullshit. It stinks the same. 
  2. Over the years I have worked with all kinds of seniority. It does not matter if you are old or young, experience or inexperience, bullshit does not recognise your age or experience. Bullshit is bullshit. It stinks the same. 
  3. Over the years I have worked with all kinds of competency level. It does not matter if you are competent or incompetent, bullshit does not recognise your competency. Bullshit is bullshit. It stinks the same. 
Moral of the story:

Do yourself a favour and CUT OUT all the BULLSHIT in your life and I guarantee you will live an awesome life. 

And YES here’s to building a team of NO BULLSHIT!!!    


Ken67 said...

The smell of Bullshit DOES smell the same. Funny thing is, the more you smell it, the faster you can detect it's going to come.

On the other hand, sincere effort brings out the fresh scent of potential. It smells refreshing!

Anonymous said...

Profitability doesn't happen when you are walking on bullshit!
"Bullshit is bullshit. It stinks the same!" -Theivanai Muniandy-

Anonymous said...

We should stop giving excuses and start putting more effort in our work to be successful. - Yasota

Unknown said...

We need strive to improve ourselves for our AWESOME LIFE and a team of NO BULLSHIT. Let's CUT ALL the BULLSHIT in our life! :D

Unknown said...

BS-ing will not take anybody far as it will stink eventually. Life will be so much better when we start to realize BS-ing will take you nowhere.

Farmy Yow said...

Leave the negativity behind and stay focused! Cheers to a " No Bullshit Team!"

Grace said...

Dear boss, thanks to you, I've learned not to tolerant with bullshit, and YES, let's all cut all the BULLSHIT in our life. - May-

arison ho said...

Sincere effort and commitment will be the "deodoriser" to cut off the bullshit and produce result. --Arison Ho

Sabrina Samsudin said...

Positive thoughts definitely will generate positive realities and lead to the awesome life.. We can expect the BULLSHIT, but never accept it..!!

Anonymous said...

Integrity and honesty prevents bullshit. Results talk, bullshit walks. - Jay

Unknown said...

No bull, no shits.
Think positively, work productively.

rosmalia said...

i believe that without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.


Ivy said...

It is AWESOME to work with a team of NO BULLSHIT!

Peggie Woo said...

YES! If we want to become SUCCESSFUL and have an AWESOME Life, we must CUT OFF whatever BULLSHIT, EXCUSE and COMPLAINT in our life.


Shera said...

Cut all the crap and all the BULLSHIT things and people from your life. And your life will transform for the better! And smells better too!

Anonymous said...

We need to get rid of any bullshit to improve work productivity


Unknown said...

It shows the level of integrity. If we bullshitting people while other people can see the bullshit, the bullshit will get back us. What comes around goes around. This applies to me as well.

Noorfa said...

Many people’s lives are proliferated with excuse after excuse.
Excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build monuments to nothing. For those who specialize in them shall never be good at anything else. The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.

Unknown said...

I will always expect bullshit but i will never accept it..

- Nazlin Ahaddin-

MY said...

Totally agree with this statement "Bullshit is Bullshit. It stinks the same" - I've been dished out loads of bullshit stories, excuses and other forms of bullshit and to a point I knowing when you are bull shitting me. Just stop it and cut the bull shit la!

Luna Yap said...

No Blame, No Excuses and No Bullshit!!!
Focus and achieve the desired result.

Suria said...

Can't agree more.. Bullshit is Bullshit!!
Saddest part of all some people tries so hard making sense out of it..

H@J@R said...

In my mind keep thinking how to retrain or helping them.

Kenny said...

Live with Integrity and no BULLSHIT!

AWESOME Life ahead.

烤焦面包人 said...

The power of "NO BULLSHIT" is AWESOME life ,no need waste time for cleaning that SHIT is the BEST life .

Michelle Liew

Unknown said...

Totally agreed with your statement "Bullshit is bullshit. It stinks the same."
Give NO excuses, No complaints, No blames & No bullshits, and we will live an awesome life!

Anonymous said...

Agreed boss. We all wanna live an awesome life and lets be part of a team of NO BULLSHIT!


CIKMAT said...

walau dimana kita berada,Bullshit pasti ada disekeliling kita, Yang pasti kita hanya perlu bersabar dan berfikiran positif.

Unknown said...

Agreed on this, no one stands to deal with their bullshit. Great and positive life ahead when you're not throwing people bullshit.

will kept this in mind.

Gym Chan said...

Over the years I have approach with all kinds of students and parents.
Most of them totally do not understand what they are doing.
They are just do for the seek of doing and follow the trend.
They will give a lots of BULLSHITS reasons and refuse to me,
and they think they are DAMN RIGHT!

I would like to say this, people always don't believe if they never seen the results.
Once they see it, its too late for that.

Ignore the BULLSHITS, Remove the BULLSHITS, BULLSHITS make no value to our lives.
Bullshit is bullshit. It stinks the same.

Well Said Mr. Ernie