August 1, 2008

Survival Of The Fittest

Whenever I conduct motivation sessions, I get the participants to discover what they really want and what they need to do in order to move closer to that desire. There is no deep, dark secret to this that has been guarded for centuries – if you want to get ahead you must first believe that anything is possible and take action.

Many times, people die to their dreams and aspirations because they don’t know what they want. Survival Of The Fittest is all about identifying your goal or prize and just going for it. How you get to this thing that you want badly is about being fit physically, in your mind, heart and soul. You will die if you have no passion, desire and belief.

This is applicable to anyone - you can be a student, parent, business owner, and conglomerate among others; if you aren’t strong in all the areas mentioned plus a strong cash flow – where applicable, you will be the first one to go and I’ll be happy for you because since you didn’t put in the effort, you then deserve to die. Brutal? Perhaps. But these are my thoughts – how can these people who moan and grumble and just refuse to put in any effort expect to make it.

Here’s another news flash. Stop mooching off people and using them as a security blanket. You are nothing but a parasite sucking the life out of those who are trying to make it. So it’s either to buck up and start preparing for the The Survival Of The Fittest with a clear goal in mind, or just shrivel up and die trying because it’s quite obvious that’s what you do well.


Ms Yati said...

The one thing that has always been reminded tu us when we were young is to work smart to be successful. All the way from that point, i've trying soo hard to find a smart way in everything i do. You know what, last 2years i realize there no short cut way of doing whatever you want to do. Before you become a successful person you have to work very hard. So preparing yourself to be fit physically, mentally and emotionally will help you to survive in the real world.

Yan Can Train So Can You said...

Survival of The Fittest!! Good write up. This is the piece of article I'm looking forward to.

Recently, I constantly remind myself with a phase from James Dean
"Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die tomorrow!"

Go go .. Move forward!

Anonymous said...

uBelieve in your dream and work it until u achive it. The power of your mind is much more greater then your energy