January 26, 2009

KT was not a wake-up call!

When the racial minority rejoices that a Muslim political party has won the by-election over a party that supposedly represents all the rakyat, you know something is not right somewhere – or that something very wrong is being set right. And that’s what happened recently in Kuala Trengganu when PAS won the KT by-election. How much more obvious can the collective scream for a new government be? Right now, it seems that any government will do, just as long as the old one is vanquished. For some, it may not necessarily be the opposition but they just want a new government. I know this will happen because; the Barisan Nasional does not seem to get the message and understand simple fundamentals. As each day passes, our PM is one day closer to moving out. But it’s not all disastrous though. At least he will not be like Bush and be remembered as one of the worst presidents ever. He will just be seen as the seat-warmer for the rakyat’s next best candidate.

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