January 19, 2009

At least they focus on competency...

When things go wrong in the world, there is a good chance that a large number of people will be very quick to point and accusing finger at the US. While I do agree that United States may suck big time at many things especially with regard to policies and economy, I will give them props for electing someone competent this time round. Or at least that’s what I see and think, and I’m sure I’m not alone. The Americans seemed to have wizened up and chosen the rightfully appropriate candidate – and it doesn’t matter that he is African American and bits of various other nationalities. Now, let’s take a look at Malaysia. Look at the number of incompetent “leaders”. How can they be elected representatives of the rakyat with such competency levels. It is absolutely absurd. We are not toddlers who like puppet shows. So kindly stop putting up a “boneka” to confuse and frustrate us.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is so true! What matters now is not the color of your skin, the blood in your body and who is who's who. what matters now is who is what and what one is capable of. The 'prominent' people in Malaysia should accept this fact!

Anonymous said...

When Malaysia can have good leaders? So bored to look at the puppet show.

Anonymous said...

Malaysian should learn to choose other nationalities to lead the country as well. A change may bring big time changes to the nation.