Reading the above article in the STAR makes me want to slap some faces! 6,700 jobs up for grabs in the Government alone and yet jobless people are being so picky. What the hell is wrong with some people? Don’t they just know how to appreciate? I do not want to do sales as my pride is too high. I do not want to do service oriented jobs as I will have to deal with difficult customers. I am very stress as I am new to the workforce. I am a Master Degree and Degree Holder. I cannot be doing such jobs. HELLOOOOOOOO!! If it is still hollow and empty inside! What do you mean you are too good for jobs created to help you right now! In order for us to get to where we want to, we sometimes have to do the things that we do not like. Get over yourself and learn to tame the ego shouting inside you. This is the real world and there is absolutely no free lunch. We are who we are because of our actions or inactions.
I totally agree with the statement! This people need to be slapped to be woken up and taken away from their comfort zone.
The teachers in school must be more poractive and educate the kids about real life!
The last few posts has been about related issues. Judging from it, it seems like this issue has really hit the writer to comment so out rightly about it. I wonder why...
This issue may take another 20+ years to resolve...either to send your kids to local school or send them overseas for their education.
sigh...this is not something new...yet they still do not learn anything from it. government can help until certain extent.the rest is up to us to choose either become loser or take the opportunity to do something about it.
A lot of people think they are too great to take up the job position like, sales, customer service etc. In life, sometime we need to do the things that we don't like to get where we want to go. Every job is also an opportunity for us to learn and grow ourselve.
WAKE UP People!!! This is not your DREAM WORLD, where you can be whoever you want and get whatever you dream off. Open yourself with other opportunities, sometimes you just have to start doing something you don't like to be able to do something you like at the end...but before that, a lot of sacifices has to be made because nothing comes easy. Easy comes, Easy goes.
something to share again, i received a call a month ago. she called in and ask for a job in PJ area, senior admin position, salary 3K, strictly no sales, monday - friday job. the best part is she just lost her job in recent recession. i was confuse again, instead the company giving the job requirement, now days the employee giving their job requirement. told her go and fly kite.
If I were to play a blame game on this, I would put it on our education system...when will this stupid government realize this???
They are still picky on the job because they don't have to pay their bill yet. And someone (their parents) is feeding them...
Interesting and its real!
We need to put our EGO aside and face the real life NOW!
You choose your own path in life!
please wake up, current situation is bad and plese grab all the opportunity given. Bersyukur la sikit.
Instead of lecturer teaching teaching teaching, the universities should invite some real people who work in the real world paint a real picture of the industry.
However the universities might have the challenge to invite the right person.
garaduates??? what the piece of paper can do for all this graduates if their attitude is not chnage. Their have to start somewhere to kick off their carrier in what ever area in maybe!!!!!.
I think, instead of doing 4 years teory and 4 months practical, all universities /colleges should be doing it the other way round. At least it would give some sense to all those who will be graduating and coming into the real working world.
I experience this in last weeks training. This graduates attitude towards the opportunities given. Two tight slap.
Agreed! Graduates nowadays very picky and only think they should get a job based on their qualification.
i guess never fail before they will NEVER know and FOREVER falls into this trap!
In life, most of the times we will do something that we don't really want to do, but this challenge will help us become tougher & stronger person. If want to choose a career, choose something that can make you success in life, not for the security or the benefits offered.
i guess is not just fresh graduates have issue now. a personal friend of mine asking me any vacancy or job availble as she is resigning from one of the insurance companies in KL.
She told me this :" I do not want to do sales job. I want to leave on time (NO STAY BACK Please!). Minimum Salary 3K. I replied her if she got this job, please let me know."
How can a person get high salary and not doing sales and want to leave on time? Let's think, there must be a reason why a company provide better benefit and more celebrations to sales team and division compared to non-sales divison.
people, the world is REAL!!!! Do Not be so Picky please...
not new issue.. it just got bigger and bigger each day..
Wake up and smell the coffee.. this is the real world, the world that you, me and everyone living for the rest of our live...
Maybe they can tackle some sugar mummy/daddy and then not have to work at all - just work in other ways...
Sad I agree...the grads these days are just too picky. the eduacaton system does not help and the fact they live undr a sheltered unberalla just does not prepare them at all.
Exactly...totally agree...this nonsense has been goin on for years..EGO to put aside, is a must...otherwise, no one will succeed..
Exactly...totally agree...this nonsense has been goin on for years..EGO to put aside, is a must...otherwise, no one will succeed..
Recession? What recession? Which publication in Main Stream Media aside from The Edge has confirmed there is a recession? Even the upper echelons of Malaysian government is in denial of a 'recession'. "Everywhere in the world but Malaysia..."
So please don't blame them for their complacency. They trust and believe the leaders of this country. Don't you?
It high time that this people should be shoved out of their comfort zone and be "Strip Down" by SED. Have a change to "new skin" so that they could be more appreciative to job opportunities created by our government.
there is no time to choose now...if there is an opportunity..grab it now..dont wait till tomorrow...
Why being fussy during this hard time?
Grab the opportunity when it comes knocking already!!
you cant force someone to agree with what u think is right. yes, u cant be choosy in choosing a job and demanding a high salaries n stuff. but u have to think that some of the hard work that we did to achieve that degree or what so ever, we do need to give those qualification a chance or else its just a waste of our energy n time taking those qualification. its not because of EGO we turn down the customer service or sales, its just that, it is not our passion to do it compared to u guys. we do have our stand and our personal goals, and i believe, so do u.
apart from that, if the environment of the company sucks, as u said, there are a lot of other customer service center from other company are willing to offer us the job. if we are not satisfy with the current company, we can just jump to another. graduates and employee too are smart u know.
Dear Anonymous,
1. This is a FREE world. No one is forcing anyone to agree with anyone. The Choice is yours. What ever choice we make there will be the consequences. 2. It is not always everybody's passion including ours necessarily to sell and to serve but one can always learn to enjoy anything and do good work.3. No one is stopping you from chasing after your dreams. Go for it and I wish you all the best. 4. No one is stopping anyone to jump ship. If you are not satisfy by all means. We will be the first to help you get out. Just remember. You always have 2 choices.a) Deal with it and learn to enjoy it. b)Get the hell out. Decide and move forward.
Dear Anonymous,
Be matured. No one owes you anything but you.
I agree that graduates should not be picky, should seek out every opportunity, and grab them whenever chances come along.
But, where did this illusion of "you will earn big money if you study hard" come from? Biggest guess, parents. They always tell us to get that great and "atas" job, and would ask us "I sent you to uni just for you to work as [insert low paying job title]???"
Not all parents are like that, but those who are like that, they themselves need an education to open their eyes to the reality.
They are not fussy I believe. Perhaps if you were in their shoes you would understand better. Being out of job is certainly not a comfort zone as well.
The employers are perhaps fussy as well. Turnover rates are high even though the economy is sluggish because their employer is just ignorant towards the need of their employees. It takes 2 to tango. Its like saying there's too many girls to marry out there but guys just seem to not get married why? you wont possible want to marry someone you dont love and see yourself with. It only welcomes unnecessary problems and its wasting both parties time. Why decide merely there's an offer instead be patient and since there are more than enough vacant jobs, the right one will come when you continue persistently searching for the job you want and suits you.Before you decide to slap others, slap yourself first because you were once there before perhaps.
If it was your child in that position, what would you have done? If you dont have one then it may be easy to slap around, but what if it was your child?
You work because you feel insecure and lack of believe in yourself? Are you just going to give up yor dreams simply because ur running out of money and not haveing a job? HaH! the millionaires that I know off and even myself, i was at the streets selling tao foo fah, sweets, frogs, crickets and worms. Believe it or not, I survived and I am who I am today.
No offense, thats my opinion.
Again,dont blame the system or others but yourself. Who you are is because of the choices you make. Even though the education sux, it must not influence you but you can make the best of it. You have the power to change it if you want to. Take responsibility of it and decide what is right for yourself and make that difference.
Dear Anonymous,
July 23, 2009 4:09 PM
1. No offense taken as we appreciate all comments. It is a matter of opinion.
2. We always encourage people to chase their dreams and never give up. Getting a job does not mean ending your dreams.
3. I do not have to slap my myself because I have never been in that situation and I do not need a job. I create jobs.
4. If it was my own child, I will kick him out and tell him to get a job and pay your own bills or create a business that is your dream.
3. You must live in an extremely idealistic world. I am happy for you and wish you all the best.
Something to share: I call a graduated to share for 1 job opportunity. Before I can share the detail the graduate already tell me, "I want to work in Puchong area only, which is near to my house, and no need to be trap in traffic jam. The pay must be good. I only want to work 5 days/ week and not keen to stay back." hmmm what a mind set for youngster now a day.
Hey NM_SM, please be specific with your comments, youngsters or you mean that guy you referred to only?
How dare you say that all youngsters are that way? If you want to comment, be specific about that person only and don't drag the whole party in with him. Because not all youngsters are like him.
Before you hit on others, take a look at yourself first, if u intent to bring a person down, write it at the edge of the beach so close that the sea water will wash it away.
No hard feelings. They're just my feedback.
I want to help these people up, I want to go out there and make a difference in their lives, I want to organise a public talk and invite potential employers to get them a job.
Lets go there and give them a boost and wake their senses up.
Who's in with me? Lets brainstorm ideas together and make it come true. E mail me at:-
I'm also agree
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Some of the fresh grads still think they deserve to start with a high salary but they doesn't realize, are they worth it ?
I agree with the statement! Many fresh graduates expect high pay and comfortable jobs. They prefer Monday to Friday job as well as sharp 8 hours job. Therefore, many of them still can't find the right job for themselves.
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