I was reading the article above stated in the STAR paper dated 23 June that the standard of English in the Country has deteriorated since the switch to Bahasa Malaysia as a teaching medium in the 1970s. This was not shocking to me and definitely no surprise as I speak to lots of FRESH Graduates and believe me when I say they cannot even carry out a proper conversation in the English Language. This is not a gentle reminder as I am telling you as it is in your face... yes you and in your face right now. Work on your English communications skills today or face the consequences of being ridiculed by the world.
Thought that the writers made a good but startling observation there. Action MUST definitely be taken to improve this situation before we start moving backwards.
Fresh Graduate always complain and give excuse that the government did not provide good quality but personal responsibility is also very important.Fresh graduate is always rely on other to help them but they don't even help themselves. So, work hard to improve yourself rather than blaming or do nothing!
We learn English since young. But we don't really practice & speak English regularly. It's good if the the fresh graduate knows that their English is not good, but the most important thing is to work on it & practice continuosly.
i can assure you... tons of our students out there, when we re talking about any presentation in english, their knees starts to shake immediately.
when talking english in the 80' is some thing so foreign to all malaysian. when they hear people talk english they say berlagak. but now we are 2009 and i'm proud of my self for being berlagak. because english have open a lots of door for me personally and professionally.
Dear Young Malaysians,
Please wake up and come to the realization that English is a universal language. In addition to that English is a business language.You all have no choice except to master it.You are dead in the corporate world if dont have minimum competency in English. So Start from now by reading at least one English daily everyday.
knowing how to speak english, you are able to have at least conversation with others. knowing how to speak one more language is good for us, never a bad thing.
please do not feel shy and stop us to speak in english. never speak never know where is the mistake.
i have to agree english education before 70's is better because the teacher are very fluent in english and they are really good but because now school teachers (form leavers) do not know how to speak well and write well, what we can expect the outcome of the students.
i have a fresh graduates asked me what is Vowel and Consonant? i do not have a good grammar but at least i know what is Vowel means.(AEIOU).
Change the education languange to english instead of Malay.
This will help future leaders to communicate to the world!
Some are too embarassed to admit or too proud to ask for help even though they know deep down inside they really need help with their terrible English. It's the mentality that needs a MAYJAH revamp.
Any of you remember the case of global embarassment malaysians had to face when one of our "beauties" took part in a world class pageant contest and said "Sorry, I no speak ENGLAND" in one of her interviews. (still laughing inside)
i went to career fair the other day in one of the local university. i was shock to see grads giving me resume in malay format. i was wondering whether i was standing in SM booth or any other gov agency booth.
This issue is not just only happened on fresh graduates. It also happended to a lot of people working in GLC companies. when you speak English with them, they will reply you in BM. Most of the time, people just ignore to change.
Practice made perfect. How many years have we been thought how to speak in English...Since kindergarden, guess what until today we still have individual that CANNOT speak English at all... There goes all the years of education. Be brave and get out from the Cave and Learn to speak English before it's to late...
Since I have been known to be anti "Barisan", I would again put the blame on the stupid government for our bad "England"...
Please to be informed that English is the first and main language in UNIVERSAL...
Thank you...
Make sure your english is good before you all enter the work industry.
I been working with some FRESH GRADUATES lately, relise and aware that the poor English communication skills.
I am worried and need to stress to them the need to work on it.
Take ACTION now!
I'm the one who cannot make a proper conversation in English before. After I join ATCEN, the working environment and the encouragement from colleagues have help me tremendously improve in English.
The key thing to learn is to open your mounth and practice!
Malaysian need to realise that we are going global in many aspects in our country. If you want to be part of this globalisation than you need to speak a language that is universal.
Interesting comments. Can speak is not only about saying bombastic words. It is also the words you use which can give a different meaning. It is really important we are aware of our grammar.
Constant learning, practice plus non stop reading will help to improve your English. Wake up and make an effort to be better
i think the fresh grads are not putting efforts to "get in touch" with the language. i believe by listen ONLY english, speak ONLY english will definitely improve tremendously!
English is an universal language.. learning language can take you far.. in the conversation, writing, speaking etc.
Baby steps to learn English (speak from experience):
1. Listen to English radio station
2. Read English newspaper (daily)
3. Turn dictionary to be your best friend
4. Don't be afraid to speak up and learned from mistakes
5. Subscribe to e-newsletter on thesaurus, dictionary to improve vocabulary
In your face approch is the best...shocking them a bit helps. Like telling hey..you are a degree holder ...sure or not?
Get them out of their comfort zone and expose them to tha world...then maybe they will realise that "Damn I am that bad huh?"
even the "MAIN PEOPLE" with important roles in the government cant speak properly...the worst are the police fellas...
Able to communicate in proper English is mandatory to get oneself a decent job. It's the standard requirement in all established employments nowadays. So, fresh graduates should put in more effort to enhance in Engish communication and writing skills.
actually, attitude of want to learn did not take place if there is no action.
Excuse me, I'm going to rant off :)
When the late Yasmin Ahmad collapsed at Media Prima, on 23/7/09, somebody probably said that she passed out... Then other people missed interpreted it as passed on/away, and the news that she died spread like wild fire causing unnecessary panic. ...
Unless of course, some people think that pass out, pass on and pass away are all the same.
Then, of course we all remember Siti Norhaliza live on radio, and how much she loves Winnie the 'Poo-oh" and reading 'vog-you' magazine. LOL, that floored the announcers, they were silent for awhile.
What about your friends exclaiming "Aiyah, I boring la"... Which leads to me wonder:
1) Why would you call yourself a boring person?
2) If you're complaining that you're a boring person, do something about it... quietly...
3) But, why would anybody announce that they're boring?
And what about 'mines-one', is that from yours one? Where males become her, and females become his? Orange becomes 'ollen", and hand-phone becomes 'henpon'?
The basic/fundamental purpose of language is to first and foremost communicate effectively. To start off, there's no need for bombastic/large vocabulary, but to pronounce properly and to have good grammar.
It would be useless if one's vocab is so large, but still can't differentiate between past and present tense, singular and plural.
So there's my verbal diarrhea, "I so appi here got someone tok about how goose Malaysian englund is... Malaysia veli powderful"
don't blame anyone pls..
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Practice makes perfect. If u didn't take the initiative to start from young, guess what will happen in the future.
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