I am very concern for the future of Malaysia. Our Fresh Graduates do not present themselves very well with regards to their attitude and competency. I can accept the fact that our Malaysian education system sucks and that they are not train properly to face the challenges of the corporate world today but the individuals learning attitude just pisses me off. Appreciation and gratitude is lacking and I wonder what they learn from home. All 3 parties – The Government, Parents and Individuals MUST take responsibility for their behaviours. If we do not get out of the comfort zone that we are in today, we will be far behind and will be the ones losing out. Fresh Graduates – use your head and think. Not your obvious nonsensical stupidity to make idiotic decisions. You are given an opportunity. Appreciate it and say thank you. Otherwise, it will be removed.
Yup, definitely agree that charisma and attitude is the key to the top of the corporate ladder.
The need to know the two hungers-one is the hunger for success and the other is actual hunger. They lack both and need to shaken up and be eduacated about the real world. Wake up young graduates and step up...
Most of the fresh graduates nowadays think they have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. But in actual fact they havent because in order to be have a spoon, silver or not, one must have tongue to hold it in - they don't since they expect everyone to give them what they want without having to ask for it. Wake up and smell the bunga tahi ayam.
Many graduates today think that with just a certificate, they get to work with any company, slack their way through and still make it there. This sad state of mentality is caused by not just parents up bringing and education in Malaysia but the current environment and also peer’s influence. All have to work together for a change to happen.
Once graduated, all fresh graduates need to look for jobs. Don't be choosy. Choose for jobs opportunities that can help you to develop your career in future.
fresh grad...lots of them are quite good. can be better in the future...but tons of them are just waiting for work to come with them. i personally think that until they have experience really, really hardship, they can never learn. parents nowadays are just too "competent". they still can help their children no matter what.
this is what all malaysian are practising, janji ada masuk U. only think about it when it happen.
when that happen it is already to late.
Opportunity is in front of you. Just take it. no harm trying and exploring. you will only gain from it be it a good or bad experience.
Everything starts from you know. Know what??? Know what you really want in your life.Once you know that just put your effort,energy,soul and finally yourself in making that happened. Sure the door of success will open for you.
Fresh graduates don’t have the initiative to learn and move forward. Their too comfortable with their parents providing for them.
Listen up fresh grads! if you don't wake up now and start preparing yourself for the corporate world, you will be left behind and it will be a embarrassment to the world! WAKE UP NOW OR FOR EVER BE IDIOTS!
To all the fresh graduates:
When you start paying your own bills, like rental, daily expenses, insurance, car loan, electricity and water bills etc, then you will only realize how important to get a job and pay for your own bills. Don't think that your parent can take care of you for your whole life. Now it's time for you to take the responsibility to take care yourself and your parents.
To All Fresh Graduates...Grab whatever comes to you, it might turn out to be something you love to do. Don't be too choosy, you aren't worth anything yet..earn the respect first.
I wonder if there is anything else that we can do differently to overcome this situation? It seems like we are going to our own vicious cycle in handling this situation...
Fresh graduates need to aware that they are no more under protected in school when they start to work. Please learn and learn when you know nothing.
Fresh grad means fresh grad...
They know nothing and they totally no idea how is corporate look like...
They are still leaving in their ideal world that they had been told by their lecturers, parents and taught by the text books...
Most Important is the Value,
Is you have good atitude it will help go where ever you go.
It's an employers market out there. 1st class or not, you are still fresh grads! You need the experience to bring you further. If you still want to complain about people out there being unfair to you.. than stay at home! Be your own employer. See how far you can go.
i guess fresh grads today totally unaware on how bad they presented themselves. This is simply because people around them presented the SAME WAY. To them, this is how they suppose to be presented. (both physically and mentally)
nothing is a free lunch, we have to earned every single thing.. never think that when you are degree or master holder you are 'god' and everyone bow to what you want *slap* and you can have anything on your plate when you like it...*slap* *slap*
i've taken a couple of jobs..and most of them are not what I studied for...surprisingly, I managed to cope and do well in those fields...my dream job would always be something to do with FUN, YOUNG AND INNOVATIVE people!!!!!!
Why most fresh graduates nowadays are choosy about jobs because they are so ignorant of the real job market out there. Thinking that have degree qualifications will get them well paid job. What a shame on their ignorance! Please wake up - all you fresh graduates out there !
fresh grades have to start learning..and learning doesnt take place if there are no different in themself..
I also agree with him..
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I suggest to all fresh graduates don't be so choosy when you look for a job. Firstly, you don't have any working experiences and you are very lucky if the employer want to hire and train you. Secondly, think carefully what job do you want to do for you life before you take any offer from the employer. Thirdly, don’t change job too often because it is bad for your resume. Forth, charisma and attitude is the key to success in your career in whatever industries.
i guess some the graduates " are not willing studying what they studied".
most students in Government college did not get what they want to study.
some of them applied Finance but end up studying IT. these are so called "Government Policies". it's happening whenever we change our Education Minister. in the end it's create anger, low self-esteem amongst graduates. and there's a lot of private college concentrating making money rather than "teaching sincerely".
so... lotsa things are neglected such as personal skills..
"chicken and eggs story"..
most of them could not even put together 2 proper sentences. worse, they are proud of it. manglish is no longer a thing to laugh at.
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