Recently, there have been numerous deaths and bad things happening around the people that I know. It is good to acknowledge and be sad as it is part of grieving for the loss of something. But do remember that once you have done that (not too long - please), that the world does not stop and wait for you to get better. Life Goes On! Pick yourself up and start to move forward with whatever that you have been handed with. I came across this article in the STAR paper about a man that lost both his legs at the age of 9 - his name is Tony Christiansen, a motivational speaker that did not let this affect him to become a successful businessman, an Olympic gold medallist and also the ability to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. All because he knew that life goes on and that he did not have time for regrets. This is what we need to be. Never giving ourselves excuses to move forward and to do a whole lot better.
really "life goes on and on...
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Life Goes On! Pick myself up in a daily basis.
Life must go on. Appreciate peoples around you, enjoy doing what you do and move forward.
Appreciate people that we love.
When bad things happened, we can feeling sad as we are human. However, we have to give ourselve a period of time to be sad and after that we got to move on. Life goes on. The world would not stop bcoz of us. Always believe tomorrow will be a better day!
Life goes on, prepare for tomorrow...
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Most of time, it's not possible to value the truth in life when we are constantly surrounded by worldly luxuries and temptations in our daily life. When we begin to witness sufferings on the demised of our love ones and closed friends then only, we would come to the true awakening of the realities in our lives. However, it's time for us to learn to let go of attachments and our remaining life span will goes on free from unnecessary self imposed misery.
Life goes on!! move foward and be better than yesterday....
Yes...life must go on....Sad but true. Just make the best out of it and soldier on. No one will pity you for long.....
Well...as the Robinsons (from the animation "Meet the Robinsons"), "Keep Moving Forward" applies to everyone of us.
yes, life must goes on! move forward or been left behind...
Yes, no matter what life must still go on. As the saying goes "Time waits for No Man".
What ever happen , life must go on and keep on moving forward
All things happens for a reason and all can be for the better of us depending on how we react to the situation.
"Life goes on!" easier said than done, but that's life. Whether you like it or not, the world doesn,t stop and people don't wait. YOU have to keep the pace..
life goes on, no matter which part of the wheel cycle we are.. when we are sad, life goes on. when we are happy, life goes on. it never stop!
life goes on cause it is a natural nature we human, cause we're a survivor. But in what direction that is a ?
Yes!! Stay strong,life must go on & keep moving forward.
Life Goes on! Don't fell down so easily. Pick yourself up no matter any obstacles and problems you encounter. Sure has the way to solve it.
we live our life just once..so appreciate it..love your life..do whatever things you wanna do..
Whatever happened in our life, we still have to face it because life must go on...
Easier said than done really especially to those who have not really been in the position of having to face tremendous lost.
It's possible!! no doubt. However, most of them who managed to pick themselves up normally has gone through a period of rough patch and self revelation. To top things up, they are fortunate to have so many people around them who helped them to pick up the pieces and get back on their feet. Well, in the case of losing feet we call it SELF :)
Courage is self will, and to some it is a self discovery. To those who have or is facing their darker moment dealing with tremendous lost, we as their family/friend should be able to take a moment and be there for them. Not always have to physically but there are times words speaks as loud as action especially if we are not able to be present, demographically.
So in time you are able to gather back all the broken pieces, it will be great if someone is willing to be there to hand you the glue and help you patch it up.
Long live Tony!!!
Sometimes you really wonder...... how much it takes for you to move on with life......when things happen? So we got to make decision and keep on moving.....
whatever happen yesterday, today, or in the future...LiFe MuSt gOeS oN..no turning back
You gotta roll with the punches, No matter how hard it comes. Come back stronger. Life goes on no matter what.
No matter how bad a situation is, we need to keep moving on. Don't give up, this is not the end of world.
When bad things happen in life, some will move on. But some will stop their life at that point...depands on their own choice.
Never ever give up and keep moving forward. No matter how hard life can be, take it a a learning curve and learn from it.
this is very true. Life MUST MOVE ON as TIME AND TIDE WAITS FOR NO MAN!!
I've just watched a movie from Pixar named "UP". It is the same message to bring across... Instead of burden ourselves to the past that makes us move slow, why not we just throw it away and starts a new life? I guess all we need is to... LET GO ...
Time wait for no one, life must goes on.
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