When I was growing up, I was told that the Muslims were bad people. I never knew why and was curious to find out for myself. I took Sejarah Islam in Form 6 and I even studied Islamic Studies in my Uni days in America and was enlightened on the teachings of the Islam faith. I dare not say that I am an expert but I learnt that Islam teaches patience, integrity, honesty and all the good that encourages humanity to be better as human beings. If we are Muslims, live like one and if we are Christians, live like one. Just like the article attached, I find it important for us to always understand and remember that it is us the humans that give all the religions a bad name and if we are to make this world a better place to live in, we better start with the man in the mirror just like Michael J. said.

I was told the same thing when I was growing up, however I've come to understand that NO RELIGION is bad. It's the human beings that brings a bad name to it and even different races.
As we all known, every religion is Holy and never teached the followers to act and being rude to others. Don't blame the religion.
The way I look at it is, we just can not separate the individual and their religion. It's bad to say but take example, how many of us experienced lousy customer service and instead of blaming its individual we tend to mark the whole company.
The same goes with Religion sadly said, the Religion itself is good no doubt. However, can one really take away our judgmental value and truly evaluate the individual instead of bringing in the whole weigh into the Religion.
And what makes it even heavier is the ignorance of certain individual where they consciously create predicament and use the name of their religion to justify and gain maximum attention. Then we wonder why we blame what we blame
All major religions originated with good faith that have inculcated virtues in people who believe and practice it devotedly. Hence, do not put the blame on any religion if certain individuals chose to deviate from the real doctrines of the religion concerned. We should use our wisdom to justify on the characteristic of the individual and not mixed up with the religion of that person.
True. That is an interesting pictorial metaphor.
True. No religion is bad.
If all individuals respect and love their religion so much. they will not give their religion a bad name.
Make that change!...its always about the people....cheers!
No religions teach the follower to do bad things. It’s all about the person. Don't blame their religion.
religion taught us simple thing in life. human complicate it with personal agenda.
respect the religion never blame it and use it for personal agenda.
what ever religion we come from it always teach good things. IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT MESS THING UP!
Agreed. Human beings always make thing complicated when come to religion.
blaming is easy. but to understand and to accept is hard. so they choose to blame...
Its true, its all about they not understand about their religion and they never know how beautiful people connection from different religion. "Love your religion"
All religion is good. They teach us cares about other and honesty.
True..All religions teach a good thing but people like to blame a religion when someone do bad thing..Love your religion,understand others religion..cheers..
If we want people to respect our religion, we must respect other people religion. Never compare your religion with other religion to show how good is your religion.
It all comes down to understanding...Problem comes when one does not know but then pretend as if they know, and the followers never questions what the person really know and then "buta - buta" follow! the results everyone become confuse...
It's never a religion fault for what is happening around us....it's what every individual choice in their life...that's why things happen....
All that we need is respect each other and our religion. Don't blame the religion because every religion teach us good thing. Practice 1 Malaysia!!
siapa yang malu?? mereka dan keluarga mereka...
it reminds me about a quote:
'..Manusia dilahirkan untuk membuat kerosakan di muka bumi..'
- That's why we have religion as a guideline on what is good & what is bad things. It's up to the individual whether to choose to do good/bad. Everything will have consequences.
In my opinion, good and bad of a religion is just like how people tend to look at the bad side of the other people.
I believe that no religion is bad, it is all about people perception.
People who make the religious seem bad. Berubah la
in the Al-Quran said : God create humans from many different tribes so that we can get to know from one another..
When I was young, I have been told that Malay, no good; Islam - no good!
But I am working with my Malay Islamic colleagues, going for team building execution now.
Not only Malay but also other race and religion colleagues.
So, what do it prove?
All religion teaches us to do good. When someone does something wrong it's that particular person who has done something wrong not the religion or all those people who practices the religion. Understand and respect each other, thats how we will learn..
This is definitely true..I come from a family with a lot of cousins from different religions. We never mock each other's belief but we exchange information in order to understand each other more. The more you know the other religions, the better the understandings will be. And that is why I have no issues religion wise with my partner who is from a different religion...
It's always the individuals not the religion...think about it and don't simply blame the whole religion just because of one action.
When we starts to question or blaming, please stop and look at ourselves. Always because of our action or words causes issues or success ahead.
thats right...cRaYonGal!
Appreciate that there are different religious beliefs.
Acknowledge the similairities in the different religious beliefs.
Comprehend the fact that religious beliefs is not a fact.
Embrace the differences in the beliefs.
The individuals who make bad name of the religion is not a true follower and live with the values.
Sad that those people cause the misunderstanding toward the religion.
What religion intolerance? Our office functions with mutual understanding and respect. All races accounted for and we see each other as individuals not race, religion nor color.
It is unfortunate that some choose to sow Fear and Hatred as a way to desecrate themselves for personal wealth.
Don't blame the religion,..it is about the individual aspects.. think it!
It all about how that person thinking and their attitude....
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