My salute goes out to Misbun and Chong Wei for these are the individuals that deserves our respect. Let’s appreciate their ability and consistent hard work to achieve glory not just for themselves but for our country. The above article talks about a young gunner named Kwong Beng not being able to take the harsh treatment by Misbun. Nothing comes easy. A lot of professional dreamers dreams of being successful owning their own businesses, driving their dream cars, living a life of freedom or even becoming the next world champion. But what they forgot was the time, pain and effort that is required for any success to be achieved. So the next time when we get a shelling from our bosses or some harsh treatment by a senior– suck it up and accept it with humility and say thank you for the lesson. You will not be told that you suck unless that you really have a little in you that really does suck a big one.
Perseverance during trails is definitely the key to maturity!
Respect the feedback, learn from the feedback, improve and avoid Insanity (repeating the same way and expect the best result)
without hitting the brick wall, you will never know how to appreciate your success.
Patience and perseverance will enhance our confidence and strength to do what's necessary to accomplish our most treasured and sought after dreams in achieving the ultimate goals.
No Pain, No Gain!
Money, Luxury items and nice car are just short term reward.
Work hard for long term acknowledgemant and accomplishment. Thaat is priceless.
Nothing come easy, before we get what we want, we got to 'pengsan' a few more times first.
Nothing come easy, before we get what we want, we got to 'pengsan' a few more times first.
The winners are the one who has achieved what they want.
To those who just talk, do respect the winners and their achievements.
Patience and persistence will always pay off... never give up!
"Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian" Before we success, we will got a lot of challenges. Just take it and challenge yourself to become better. "Just do IT"
we must really understand "nothing come easy"
Good one misbun!.....finally someone in the malaysian sports industry gets it....now for the football team!
Agree with Darren, our football team needs a yelling and slapping on its own!!!!
Nothing come easy. If you choose to be a successful person in whatever indistry, you got to work hard and pay for the price. If you give up one time in your life, you will always look for a reson to give up for the next time.
keep on learning and improving by facing the obstacles, either you manage to overcome it or not, there is a lesson to be learn...learn and be stronger!!!
Nothing come easy in life, try, do, keep pushing then you can feel it. No matter what, we have to work hard to get what we want.
It's easy just to say what you want.....
It takes a lot of determination, perserverance and strength to get what you want!
Hard and challenging things are put in your way not to stop you but to call out for Courage, Strength & Determination"
I agree with JoshSAN.....you have to have what it takes to become the best in what you wanna do..Musicman~
Strong heart power is the source of umlimited motivation to push ourselves learn faster and keep moving forward.
I believe that what you achieve is how much you putting on...
taking feedback is important. process it and make a good use of it. "ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh"
NO PAIN NO GAIN. It is simple as that.
that's why...
In the world of "War", general start up from a small soilder. He experience failure, pain, death as far as one step in the hell. But because of his belief, his effort, meet the opportunity and hold it, never let it go...Then, end with the designation of "General" or higher level!
What comes easy will also disappear without you noticing. Patience, believe, effort and how much you want that something in your life will determine what you will achieve.
Determination, keep us focus to achieve highest result.
Step by step as we are in the learning process. Swallow the pride, you are nothing until you earn it. And remember, respect is an important value.
Take the real feedback, learn from the mistake, never give up, it will take you long.
most painful thing is not learning from experience.. hard work with a lot of effort paid off with result..
why people just want a good feedback instead of the bad feedback? how you want to improve ?
i would like to see Thomas Cup back again in Malaysia.
Malaysia memang Boleh!
if u want something, do it the best and the best, never give up and learn something from the mistakes...
don't give up if you think you can do, then you can do better and more better. because "Malaysia Boleh"..
I really admire Misbun and Chong Wei...Give courage and teach us never give up in something that we want to achieve
seeing others achieving glory are often easy. The difficult part is always when you want them to work themselves there without having to take the easy short cut.
feedback and critism are good but not many of us cant swallow it especially when constructive blunt straight on your face kind of feedback is concerned. So I think in this scenario it's Kwong Beng's problem, NOT Misbun.
As they said, never give up... work harder to gain better result.
do not give up easily..always think to be the best..be the best
To become a successful people, we always have to do something new & better. Never give up.
for things to be better, We must be better!
Work hard and always work harder..
GOLD will coming to you...
By Syaiful
What Chong Wei has done is truly commendable. The true test is to maintain/ increase mental strength to hang on to the trophy.
My true champion is Nicol David who just secured her 4th World Title! Now, that's a fighter and world class athlete.
"failure is success"
just trust ourselves.we'll be on track again.
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