After reading the article above, I am really proud to be associated with Malaysians that truly appreciate each other’s races. NO. Not the stupid idiotic group of racist that brought a cow head to protest at the Selangor Menteri Besar’s office. Absoulutely ridiculous to have find such extremist given their religion a bad name. I am very proud to be associated with the writer and other Malaysians who are educated about the power of becoming true Malaysians. 1 for all and all for 1 Malaysia.
im still under 20....bt i hate whr i am....the place i stay...obviously make me feel vormit...the cruel of the human being...bt i admire u...nice to meet u..
Well written. Well done!
sigh...the cow head probably not about race or religion. maybe all along it was about politics? power? probably...hm...
Writer has come out with good write-up. Don’t look on how different we are but look at what are the similarity that we have to be united because we are all 1 Malaysian.
why not bring a goat's head? afterall it will be more relevant to the whole "Kambing Hitam"
Thought the writer gave a good reminder to all to always look at ourselves to make sure that we do not have the bigot's/ racist's mindset.
Proud to be Malaysian. We live together and it's never about what races are you. It's always the individuals. Remember, we are all the same..it's how you act and think that makes you different.
Yup focus more on unity less on corupted politic.
Racism protest arose because certain racist group was afraid of things they don't really understand and afraid to confront the truth. Subconsciously, they knew they were wrong but they simply could not accept their own ignorance as the real problem. Hence, it made them angry and directed venting their anger at other races as what they perceived was the problem . As a true Malaysian, we must not discriminate or prejudice other races based the belief that some races are inherently superior to others. We must all learn to be agreeable and humble BUT don’t learn to resolve matters with your fist !!!
Human is same species. Why ned to differentiate ourselve as we are made to be ONE...
only immature people = Bigot!
i think i'm unintentionally differentiating myself with immature people here.
I still don't see any reasons why we don't feel proud to be Malaysian...
I'm proud of being a Malaysian and racist groups such as the cow head protesters must be prosecuted and serve a long jail time!
I'm proud to live in this country (Malaysia). Let's we implement 1 Malaysia because we're Malaysian. "Peace no War"..
What la...wasting time cutting cow head and march for no reason... lets go to MARCHE and have real fun with the cow mascot there for Buka Puasa together - gether... :)
I'm growing up as a malaysian and respected all races all this while, i can even feel the warmth being in the same family - Malaysian, but how come after 50++ years of independence we are moving backwards of some extremists not able to accept the presence of other races and culture? We have many meaningful things in life to pursue rather than fighting among ourselves by differentiating skin colors...we are falling behind many countries in Asia, in which was behind us decades ago. All i can say is Malaysians are overly focused on minor (major to some) things like who is superior and who is not, fighting for power in the government and all the silly things that do not benefit all of us...
In the end, we will end up decades behind countries like Vietnam, Loas and soon becoming Iran or Africa because we are still arguing on which race is the superior and should get the biggest cut and who should lead MCA...
Malaysian are living peaceful and happily with different races. We have no issue on the skin clolor. Only the politicians trying to planting racist mindset trying to get the vote during the election.
Interesting what is happening around Malaysia....
Do people really bother what is happening in the country?
I think people are moving on with their life ....
At times we need to take some time to look and reflect on what is happening around us.....coz...
We are Malaysian
I'm proud of being a Malaysian but if there's always such crap like this, how am I not to be shy to call myself a Malaysian....!!!! Musicman~
Communication between each other is truely from heart but not language and skin color.
it is the individual that always atart things or stir the emotion of others.the individual head should be cut off first.
its idiots with personal agendas always cause unnecessary drama which hurts others
well...is Malaysian leaders practicing 1 Malaysia??
This is what happen when the people are saying it but not practicing it
Racist is asking for trouble to yourself. Meanwhile, troubling and disturbing others. Do you like to be disturbed? If not, stop racist...
I am so proud of myself and people around me that we could talk and laugh out loud with each other ... and we are chinese, malay, indian, sarawakian, indonesian, japanese and many more ... haha
I come from a true Malaysian family..Malay, Indian, Chinese..and not forgeting Australian! No matter how different our skin colour are, or the difference in the language we speak, or the food we eat and the clothes we wear.. we will always stand as one..MALAYSIAN!
Why do we need to see colors/what race are we from. All those idiots must learn from our children not to see the differences but look at the similarity that each individual have.
we are now live in multi racial country. So don't look at race, but look on individual. If we fight among each other, we'll go no where.
There are some many uniqueness in Malaysia and when you really live with it, the 1 malaysia will come from the heart.
1 malaysia is a interesting concept.. what does end result say? we shall seeeee...
why people still don't learn about the past mistakes? racism is not our culture. cow head? wasting time and hurt others feelings.
We live in Malaysia,we also have different races..so, to be a peace country forever, stand as one.. I'm very proud to be Malaysian!
this is humiliating...we preach about 1 malaysia but in apllication we failed...
Let prove that we are Malaysian.1 Malaysia!!!!
I love my region, appreciated my race & proud to be a malaysian peoples who fully of different culture.
I hate to live in racism environment..especially in Uni..very bad influence..they are all being selfish..I love working here..we are all treated the same..right?
As a Malaysian, don't hurt Malaysian's heart because all of us are 1 Malaysia.
so rude and no respect at all!!! Is this what you called 1Malaysian?! Let us stop for a while and ponder about it...
"bersatu teguh bercerai roboh"
i proud be to Malaysian..
religion, race and culture is unique and also 1Malaysia...
Stop racist. Lets show the world who are Malaysian.
stop racist. lets show the world who
is Malaysian
My 2 cent's worth on being a Malaysian.
Why would we only tell others proudly that we are Malaysians when we are overseas?
In Aussie, the Malaysians "Chinese" will refer to each others as Malaysians because they don't want to be associated with people from China and Vietnam (notable gangsters with guns there or people who are considered more 'low class'). They will hang out in Malaysian 'areas' and remember the good old days back in Malaysia, complain about racism there in Aussie.
But coming back to Malaysia, what did they continue to do?
We are still referring ourselves as Chinese, Indians or Malays, or even lain-lain, and the 'campur mat sallehs'.
If we want to talk about 1Malaysia, shouldn't we just drop all those RACE policies and the column BANGSA:___ ?
CIMB threw back my form when I wrote Bangsa: Malaysia but no points for arguing with them, banks see these things as a nuisance more than anything else.
One man cannot make a difference. And its easy to imprison ONE MAN. But if ONE MALAYSIA stands up against this, they cannot imprison us all.
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