We all have choices in life and we all decide on the choices that we make. Whatever the choice maybe, we have to deal with the consequences that comes with it. I have learnt to create lots of choices for myself through the years. We will all struggle at one point or another. It is up to us to find ways out by creating opportunities and choices for ourselves. Today I choose to work hard because I truly enjoy everything that I do. I choose to live out my dreams by taking action and making it happen. I will soon have another dream of mine achieved really soon. Look out for it December 5th 2009.
Woo...can't wait for Dec 5 then.
True. In everything we do, we have a choice. There is no right or wrong choice, it depends on how we accept the consequences of our choices. And I believe that opportunities too, do not come by. We make our own opportunities. And again, it is OUR CHOICE if we want to make it or not.
5th December? Gonna stay tuned! Definitely going to be something exciting...
choices...are junctions in our life.
Looking forward to the 5th of Dec 2009.
The date is out!! Alright!!
Each choice comes with its own set of struggle and opportunity. The choice we made often is a way for us to struggle and discover the worthy opportunity.
As for this coming Dec 5th, It's one of the best choices I've made in my life to have gotten such privilege and opportunity to contribute my effort and be apart of it. However small it is!
yes...choices in life always comes with consequences of its own ..
lets see what awaits us on dec 5..
Choices......i want to go for it.Better and much more better.Really need the 'GURU' guide.only our self can changes what we are now to got better.Wondering what is really going on @ 5 Dec.......???
Choices..hmm..I can say that I have made a great choice today by staying here, at ATCEN..eventhough some people around me said that they couldn't understand why I'm working so hard as I'm still new here..but I guess they cannot understand how I feel right now because they are not going through what I've gone. So far I've gained a lot of experienced & lesson worth learning which I think I cannot get at anywhere else..and I want to learn more and more..hoping that everyone will keep on helping & supporting me, as well as other apprentices..thanks in advance..5th Dec??sounds exciting..and whatever it is I'm sure it'll be FUN!!
Yeah we have a choices in everything we do, so be prepared to face it. nothings comes easy and free in this world.
CORRECT!! In our life we have choice. Whether its good or bad is our choice. From wrong choice we can make it good thing.
Life is full of uncertainty and one of it is making choices in life. You won't know the choices you have chosen is the right choice or the wrong choice..so ACCEPT it and make the best out of everything.
You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside; you are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you'll lead or will linger behind. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.(Edgar A.)
make a choice and deal with it. face the consequences and be okay with it. good or bad is up to our own judgement.
we have a choice in life. Ask yourself & look forward.
whatever consequences of our choices...we have to accept it.
nevertheless, can't wait till 5th Dec
What's going to happen in 5th DEC?
By the way, as a freshie like me it's really hard to make choice..
yups...whatever the choice that i made is the right choice to me,in whatever the result is i will accept it and made the best out of it.
The day we were born we were given no choice and at this very moment whatever we do it is a choice that we had chosen. For good or bad we have to make it the best of our life..
Dont have a choice is also a choice so in whatever we do just believe that there is a way!!! Excited for 5 Dec 2009!!!!!
the choice in our hand,
what will hapen next? no one will know.
so we have to dare take the result as what we have choice.
but there nno good result without any hard works.
Yup! I also must have a choice in my life....your choice in your hand..think..
5th Dec???
Yup! I also must have a choice in my life....your choice in your hand..think..
5th Dec???
I believe each choices that we make will lead us to more opportunities ahead.
I believe each choices that we make will lead us to more opportunities ahead.
Everybody has choice to make in life. for those who has made choices that they regret then they have to re-look into their decision making skills.
I was reflecting about it....then it hit me again.......
We have choices in our own life! So state it and most importantly apply and live with it!
Explore, Learn & Grow in making choices in your life!
CHOICE...something that must we face everyday.choice means opportunity. when we have a choice, make sure think first.don't let it go.set in our mind that we can achive it.
Love this one:
"In every single thing you do, you are choosing a direction.
Your life is a product of choices."
Dr. Kathleen Hall, from Alter Your Life
100% agree. Every choice will have consequences. but the most important is choose to success!
We always have choices in life. We decide on it once we take actions towards it. Sometime the outcome may not be the things you dream off, but the learning curve from there will be the most valuable knowledge you will ever get. All the challenges you’re going through will help you become stronger and much stronger day by day. I’m glad that the choice I make in year 2007 has brought me where I am today and I never regret. Looking forward to the growth of ATCEN Group. For the young people out there, remember "Nothing Comes Easy" and you got to pay your dues FIRST.
No Choice
I have a choice
there are 2 choices
which choice to choose?
For every one information i already make a choice and will stick to my choice! december 5th is the beginning but it will not end there.
if we are afraid of making decision towards the choices, we will never gonna make it... be brave, and then be accountable towards the good and bads happen ahead!
we have choices, but once we choose..go for it and make it happend.
If you don't make your own choice, someone will make the choice for you. Do you want this to happen to you? Start making your own choice for your life.
If you believe you can, you probably can but if you believe you won't, then you most assuredly won't. These are two pricinpal choices in our life that is to accept conditions as they exist OR accept the responsibility in changing them.
No matter what choices in life, Life will Goes on beautifully with the choice we made. nothing is bad, is how well we polish it to be better. Life Goes On.
No matter what people said no matter what people thing about me this is what i'm chose for my life and i'll become SOMEBODY...
Choices are making by ourselves;turn left or turn right is our own choice. Other people can only influrence us but can't making decision for us...
What is happening on Dec 5th??? Jeng Jeng Jeng... :)
Everybody have a choice to make the best result. But must think first to get the right decision. Before that, ask yourself what you want to achieve....
5th December....
everything in life is about choices...gotta be brave to make the decision and face whatever outcome from it...
Yup, choice will make our life more exiting.
Choices is always in individuals hands. You decide what you want, and at the same time you have to face the consequensus and learn how to deal with it.
No choice is also a choice.
choose wisely.
Remember remember the 5th of December...
Looking forward and it will be the GREAT Happening in town!
I had a choice either to stay in ATCEN for six month for my internship or not...and the good thing is,I choose to stay... :)
u r rite ernie! In life, we do have a choice. It depends on what we choose..either its bad/good..
We determine the choices that we make in our life. Good or bad we have to face the consequenses. You are what you are because of the choices that you believe will make a difference in yourlife in one way or another.
well said Mr. Ernie---choices has never been right or wrong but it is more to how do you see it and except it!!! CHOICES are something no one can interfere because it it truly your own decesion.
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