Only if you stop dreaming about things that you want and start taking action towards those dreams. If you dream about making your first million, ask yourself right now, what are you doing right now that will help you make your first million? I have been dreaming about owning my very own entertainment studios. In fact since I first visited Universal Studios in California. I can proudly now say that I have made that happened. I am a proud owner of my very own outLOUD Studios – a one stop entertainment service provider that houses recording & post production facilities. I am now dreaming of my next dream, Malaysia’s first entertainment theme park based on the world’s blockbuster movies.
An Inspiring entry.
Thank God I am an outLOUDer!!! ^_^ December 5... Watch out MALAYSIA!!! outLOUD Domination Begins...And the Saga Continues...
Congrats! Your action towards your dream came true.
Inspiring..n it's gonna to be really HAPPENING on 5th Dec!!
do dream and take the right action...because action speak louder than word!!!
nice looking building! dreams do come true if we vision and working hard & working smart toward it.
Nice building...can't wait until 5th Dec 2009. Dream and take action to make thing happen..
congratz Ernie..you have achieved your dreams..I can't wait to achieve my first MILLION!!
Dream without action is just an illusion.The first thing to make the dream comes true is to WAKE UP..and take charge...5th Dec is the dream that comes to reality
work harder..good effort.
Congratulation in advance. Proud to be part of it. Cant wait for the next!! I am outlouder!!!!
Great Job EC.....
You are the BEST!.....GOD Bless all outLOUDERS!.....
Dreams do come true for those who believe in making things happen.. and taking those steps into making the dream a reality.
Congrats Ernie!
Congartulation Ernie,
You have shown that Dreams can be translated to Reality...Awesome!!
* Man alone has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality and he alone can dream and make his dreams come true - Quoted from Napoleon Hill
Congratulations to Ernie and the Management Team - working very hard to make a dream come true.
great building...
the real dream on 5th Dec!!
Dreamz to me is so far away...reality comes 1st ofr me - sadly.
Don't stop dreaming and taking actions towards your dream!
December 5th, outLOUDER you ROCK!
This is really inspiring and can’t wait for 5th Dec 09.
Congrats Ernie, the new outLOUD Studios is damn COOL!
Fantastic place and facilities...cant wait to see the magic happening.
inspiring... dare to dream and dare to take action.. make it real!!
congrats EC!
Work harder to make you dream come true.. If you work hard and dreams what you want, believe me, it make your dreams come true.
watch out Malaysia on 5th December...!! the powerful of dream come true...
Dare to dream dare to take action. Yes outLOUD Studios!!!
if want the dreams become reality, we must stop dreaming about our dreams... Wake'up from the dreaming and work harder to achieve the dreams...
It's a beautiful thing to see results grow right in front of your eyes. To all the unbelievers out there who doubted, well you can continue watching through envious eyes. We worked HARD to achieve while you stood by. Realize we all can be something significant and you can too.
Congratulations to all who have contributed or were directly involved in making this a reality.
This is your baby too!
Go ATCEN Group and outLOUD Entertainment Group
congrats!!!December 5....here we come..All dreams come true..stop dreaming nand take action from now to make sure that our dreams come true...
Brrrr....!!! WoWW...!!!
Brrrr....!!! WoWW...!!!
Now let G's role in.
Wow!!nice looking building.Congrats EC and all of those who really working hard in making all of this become a reality..can't wait for the launching of the COOLEST studio in town.yeah!!
Dearm can come true if you really put an effort and work hard to achieve it. Congratulation EC.
Congratulations to the ATCENians and outLOUDers. This is the result of the hard work and effort from everyone in the group, especially all the directors.
dreams big dreams. dreams do come true.
Work hard towards achieving your dream and make it happen. Looking forward to the 5th of Dec. Congrats EC.
Dreams do come true when you have the desire and believe in achieving something, making the right choices and taking the action into making things happen.
congrats ernie!dreams can only came true if u take action and also support from the others!work harder is the way to achieve dream!
dream will come true with effort and focus on what we do...
inspiring indeed!:) working on towards achieving my dreams!!
Great One!
Dream to Reality is simple.
Just start taking actions and continue to take actions until it is realised.
Congratulations Mr.Ernie Chen!u finally achieve one of your dreams!keep it up! =)
Congrats EC! i'm very proud to be an ATCENians.
Looking forward 5th Dec to tell the world. Congrats to ATCEN And outLOUD Studios. Work harder.
YES! when dreams do come true...
it is a great inspiration to a lot of people out there! Including myself!!!!
congratulations on achieving one ofyour dreams and the best thing is at the same time you're fulfilling other people dream as well.
Not only Dreaming, but most important make it happen. if your have a dream dream big and make it happen. i will...
Soon, when someone ask,"if I want to make a video, produce my song, and have my own album cover,where do I must go?"
and we will say," Welcome to outLOUD Studio, the one stop entertainment making centre. A studio for all creative people."
-proud to be ATCENian-
Well done EC!
FOCUS + EFFORT => Lead every single dreams come true..
everyone have dream but dream with plan and action will give us satisfaction when dream come true.
congrats!!!!!!your dream will came true
EC!!!!congratulation.the amazing outloud and damn cool....your dream will came true.5th December will see it.....
very inspiring ERNIE!with persistent action your dream came true.congratulations with the beautiful building (inside & outside) and also the top-notch facilities.ALL THE WAY for Malaysia's first entertainment theme park!
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