The Top 3 things I learnt from the Donald and what I have done:
1. As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG. - Donald
But for those that do not think, stay stupid - Ernie
1. As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG. - Donald
But for those that do not think, stay stupid - Ernie
If Malaysia and Malaysians do not get better today, we will be finished soon. - Ernie
3. When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough. Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. - Donald
This is why I NEVER ever give up. I always get BETTER. I ALWAYS deliver results. - Ernie
Always have a positive eternal perspective, be determined and push hard to get there.
We have to show a little bit more persistency and don't get easily dismissed when others threw something otherwise at us. it's always the case of how bad do we want it.
Be continuously and consistently producing results! Shape up or Ship Out!
Challenges must keep you move forward. Never give up and and have passion to get better. In my world, we only have 1 race...it's called RESULTS...And this is what we must be focusing on, nothing else.
Most people like to give up easily by giving different excuses.Be persistent and consistently deliver results.
push your self harder in order to deliver result.
Don't be as the Old Malay Proverb, "Jangan macam pahat & penukul, sekali ketuk, sekali berjalan"
always know where you are going and what you want to achieved. it better to tell the truth ranther than give empty promises, where by it will come back and haunt you one day.
I've always believed that the mark of true character is the ability to not "DO WHAT YOU LIKE but to LIKE WHAT YOU DO" when you REALLY like what you do, Achievement is more often than not a byproduct of great fun.
sometimes, We learn more when we face challenges and lose a battle than winning it
Yes, be positive, take positive approach and NEVER EVER give up. There's always ways. Right or Wrong, both are ways. THINK! and if it happens to be the wrong ones, LEARN from it BUT don't give up!!
"Challenges: we all have them. The difference is how we handle our challenges. To have less stress in your life - deal with your challenges!" Catherine Pulsifer
learn from mistakes, learn from books.you fall from your bike, pick it up and ride again until you master it. we all done it before...why stop now?
There are NO failures in the world, it is just the experiences and how we react to them. We may never know what results come of our action, but if we do nothing there will be no RESULTS.
You are what you are. Your actions will say it all.
Never ever give up to anything and don't always give yourself so much excuses.
We are learning mistake from work and life,so don't give up .I believe that mistake is transfer an enegry to do well.Because result is all.
Interesting notes from this 3 item:-
1. Think Big – how to think big if we don’t event take initiative to think
2. NEM is on the way now.
3. We will get angry if people tell to our face “you are looser”. Getting better is the way.
People that easily give up is a LOSER. In order to succeed like Donald Trump and Ernie Chen we need to WORK HARDER, THINK BIG and NEVER GIVE UP.
It depends on how do you think about it. If someone tell you off and you take it, it means you agree. But if you seem it as a challenge and you take action. As least, you have 50:50 percentage to win...
Learn from the leader and apply. All leader speak the same, ultimately is about result.
Just do it ... and still, do it
NEVER ever give up on what you do and ALWAYS think positive.
Don't ruin your future because of your ATTITUDE. Think SMART, your FUTURE is in your hand.
I think people have lots in their mind, its just that they don't spill it out. And when they spill it out, they just say it without any action. And when action are put in place, others tend criticise. But if you are strong enough, nothing can stop you from what you want.
What never kill you makes you stronger..
Well said Donald!
Stay to be competitive.
Thinking is a process of making decision and if we give up thinking, we given up making decision.. if we given up making decision, we will never moving forward!
It is all chain reaction!
Result delivery is always the ultimatum for consistent hardwork. So, always be ready to face any challenges in our life.
Thanks for the reminders. Decision is always hard to make but we shall not gave up in making one. Fight for the right and not fight for the sake of fighting.
Don't stop believing in what you are and what you can do.
Always want to be the best and the best..!
Stay focus on the Goal and the Result will come. It is not about doing it once. It is about doing it all the time.
Succesful people always search for chances.
While chances always comes from miracle.
Malaysian think and work smarter
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