It has been almost 7 years that I, my partners and core team ventured into this world of Entrepreneurship. We have gone through a lot of hard work, tough times and we continue to do so moving towards our vision to develop entrepreneurs of the future. Change is an everyday thing and a lot has happened in the last 7 years. We proudly say that we are doing very well in our businesses as we continue to profit and grow. We are here to stay and we are here to make this place a better place for all to learn, play, work and live in. Therefore leading to the critical importance of the introduction to The New Way Forward – LOHAS in our organization moving forward. I personally look forward to this as I get healthier with lots of sports activities, healthy eating habits and I find myself even more energetic while being more sustainable in my quest to achieve my dreams. I encourage you to do the same if you want to also get there.
Definitely agree with this new way.
Starting to hear 'Michael Jackson's - Heal The World in the background. Haha
Now it make sense why there is a health shop in Uptown named Be Lohas.
A brilliant mind come from a healthy body. Healthy living really can lead to something better. Looking forward to it.
Healthy lifestyle leads to healthy mind consciously and subconsciously. You will be able to think positively also. Create a positive environment by starting to mix with positive energy people.
Healthier living way leads to healthier mind and approach. Good to see you getting fitter each day! Let's Living LaLOHAS Loca :) Cheers for all the guidance & continuous supports.
Yeap totally agree, healthy body healthy mind !
"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy..." - Elle Woods, Legally Blond
So there you go ladies and gentlemen! So exercise regularly, it helps us holistically...
well guys let me know if u need some advice about health and exercise.Yes EC from the healthy body will reflect our healthy lifestyle.
Exercise, diet, adequate water, enough sleep, and ridding yourself of bad habits such as smoking and overeating will greatly increase your chances of fighting off disease and living a long and full life.. So LETS LOHAS!! *-^
To be blessed with good health throughout our lifestyle is our greatest wealth. Being healthy mentally and physically will keep us energetic most of the time.
Health and hapinness, this is what everybody needs at this moment and myself included.
The body & mind are two important aspects of life... without a healthy body, you can't have a healthy mind... vice versa...
Yup health is most important wealth
we must change life style to healthy life style. Enjoy the life more.
hundreds and thousands of studies and researches have been done regarding this. at least for sure there are few tips that we can follow. stick with it, and with the blessing of God, we can have a happy and balanced lifestyle.
i'm also agree.. with healthy body and mind will easily come out with brilliant creativity of ideas. That is what we call "Masterpieces..!"
Healthy life style can make you look more fresh and more energy...Maintain with a healthy life...
i'm agree that healthy life style can make people to get more energry.so we need keep the healthy life in our future.
agreed. healthy bodies create healthy minds. can never go wrong there. long live badminton!
exercise exercise...
at least once a week, we will definitely feel refresh!
Yes, when live in a healthy lifestyle we will be more competent and focus to what ever we want.
Strong agree with Lilian: Being healthy mentally and physically will keep us energetic most of the time. Balancing our lifestyle by both of it to bring us to GOOD LIFE.
Healthy lifestyle will lead us to be more sustainable in doing what we are doing. Pursuing our dreams and making things happen..
Totally agree with the new way forward in ATCEN- LOHAS will make the team more energetic and revive.And definitely will grow a stronger relationship among ATCENians.
Totally Agree with this lifesytle... now just have to find the time... :-D
Blance in things always good. As long as not too much on one side.
It was never easy to be success but when you achieve it you will surely be proud of yourself...
In order to achieve goals, we must have must a good health. Not only physical health but also mental. These will bring us to where we want to go!
Being healthy physically is not enough. A lot of times, we neglected being healthy mentally.
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