I have had the privilege to work with Patrick on 2 separate occasions on the theatre stage a decade ago. It was an amazing experience as he has always been the man I have always wanted to become like someday when I grew up. He was a celebrity radio deejay and entertainment business owner in various industries. What was so great about him was that even with all the achievements in his bag, he has always been the likeable nice man that is very different from the persona he had on radio. I have always admired his ability to stay focus with all that he does especially keeping his head on the ground no matter how popular he became. I just did a recent interview with him on my TV Program, The Entrepreneur Media Expose and this is what I learnt from him – We just want to be remembered by the people that we care about and who cares for us. The rest are really not that important. Thank you Patrick.
I'm always very inspired to know of very successful yet humble people...
yup...agreed...We have to appreciate the people that care & appreciate about us..
Understand that a fulfilling life is not one that dwells in wordly prestige and power, but one with true friendship, sharing and caring for one another sincerely.
had a privilege to work behind the camera for this interview today..
good sharing from Patrick Teoh on every single thing - experiences, challenges and happiness.. and yes I got to 'film' him on our 3CCD camera.. :)
A lot of successful people become arrogant when they become famous. A real true successful person is the one that are always humble to share and to care the people that around him/ her. I always salute the successful and yet humble individuals.
Very true! we appreciate the ppl who care for us and vice versa. Dont care about the ppl that dont matter to you or dont care about you!
i love his voice and i'm very respect of him because of his personality.
Only 1 word : SUPERB!!
To be remember by our dearest is all that matters, to be respect by all are to be gain not forced...
True, ignore who is not important in our life just remember and care to the person who is care and remember us only.
learn to appreciated what people have done for you and share the experienced with others.
Its true..The world doesn't really care what you do in your life; but those who care for you are the ones who will walk with you every single mile without looking back..
its very true.sometimes we just need to do things for the people that we care only because they are the one that will understand and support our decision.we cant please everybody as nobody is perfect
he's quite the legend this mr patrick teoh. thank you for the sharing
patrick teoh...always love him in any shows that he is in...
the fact that he is a really humble nice guys, it just keep adding the good points to him.
Wonderful sharing. I personally will do GREAT things for people that cares for me...for the rest, you're just not that important and I am happy without you.
While working on TE Media Expose,i few things that i really learn from all these successful entrepreneurs are:
1) Humble
2) Speak With Substance
3) Preserverance
Thanks for all the sharing.
While working on TE Media Expose,i few things that i really learn from all these successful entrepreneurs are:
1) Humble
2) Speak With Substance
3) Preserverance
Thanks for all the sharing.
I believe if you care, strive to care for everyone, its difficult but having no expectations of people to "care back" for you will lead you to true happiness for you then care unconditionally.
haha...i'm very lucky and good sharing from Patrick Teoh.Specially I learn his experiences and challenges when I was cameraman.
I am agree with that. We just need to care about and who cares for us. The other is none of my business...
Do the thing that you think is correct and right. We do not need anyone to agree what we do cause we know what we are doing but appreciate to the people that really care and concern about you because they mean it.
being humble is really the key to success.
The way to succeed is by never quitting. That's it. But really be humble about it.... You start out lowly and humble and you carefully try to learn an accretion of little things that help you get there.
For me...being humble isn't as easy as said...not all ppl are born with the "H" quality...So is pretending to be Humble the same as being Humble itself?
anyone enlighten me...
your interview with patrick teoh is the best for me so far... his sense of humour, wittiness and very down-to-earth approach make him a very likeable personality... bravo!
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