I do not expect you to understand why I do what I do. I do not expect you to understand why I say what I say. I do not expect you to believe me. I just do not anymore. I just expect you to deliver results that has been agreed upon. Nothing less and you definitely do not need to explain as I will also not understand as we come from two different worlds. Results is what build trust.
"Consistent results is what builds trust?"... a profound statement indeed.
Like you always said,hardworking is appreciated, but the most important is the result. in the end, it is the result that is matter. So, we need to do the best at every time to bring in the result...
Everybody is here for different purposes. What matters is that, when you are on the same boat you sail the same direction to reach the same destination. How you do it..that's up to you to figure out.
The outcome of achieving your goals is having the ability to deliver desired results.
Everyone have their own way to deliver result. How & when is depend on their skills and knowledge. As long as they've prove that they can bring in the results.
At the end its always about result that you bring in. Consistency and working hard is only a part of it.
in my opinion, nobody can truly understand one another, we can understand some point and we can accept another point. but to understand completely, out of the question.
Yes, I agree... result is what built trust.
if we wanna to success, we need to deliver result as well.
Success is the result of perfection, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence, so no matter how you do, no matter how you solve it, the outcome must be
----> RESULT <----
As long as you bring what the world wants, the world will leave you alone with a pot of gold. Failing to do so, prepare for a world of shit. IMHO, sometimes its just better to shut up and deliver. No more, no less.
Understanding needs time, Result needs trust. At my point of view I believes trust comes first rather than results, during my college days me and my friend trust each other and work hard on our assignment together but the results didn’t come out as what we was expecting but still we encourage each other to work harder on the next one.
Understanding allows us to see what's others people attributes so we can know where we can help them and when they could come in handy.
Yes, results build trust, but,
The journey is more important than the end or the start; what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time.
When you promise something to someone, make sure to keep that promise. If you promise to deliver results make sure it's well thought off and deliver that promise. It's a small world and once you are not reliable to trustworthy it won’t take you long to be in the gutter!
In addition from the previous comment, I believe that the result is the basis of all success that a company can reap in.
without result maybe they don't know nothing abut us.
important to us deliver the result.
The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply...
hit the target and get the resault...
In whatever we are doing if there is effort, there will be a result and the strength of the effort will measure how big is the result.
i have in a company that no matter what results i bring in (monetary and non-monetary), still equals zero. Reason is the management practice FAVOURITISM. So is results still important? Basically is own justification. as long as goals achieved!
In my opinion, apart from trust, good result also will help to gain these 3Rs'
RESULT = Reputation + Recognition + Respect
when trust is lost, that's the beginning to an ending...
clear cut by EC. so guys lets us together to bring the result in.
just do what u can do, what u can achieve! "results" is depend on your own "planning & direction", dun care about who say it, because one word i always believe "DO IT YOURSELF!" that is your RESULTS!
Agreed... results is what build trust. having the given time to deliver but no results... the trust is lost. will do harder.
The good result come with the good attitude.
Believe in yourself and all that you are.Know that there's something inside you that is greater than any obstacle..We should believe the successful outcome result will achieve after we try harder & harder without feel give up..
Rambut sama hitam; hati lain-lain... Different people, different ways...
Agreed with Jerome words. Good results will help to gain Reputation + Recognition + Respect. And you will always in high demand in the market. High Income economy will require high competencies individuals. If you are always a talker, then it's time for you to be a "Doer" and start creating results.
If you need someone to believe you can do it. First thing we need to do is show the result.
Consistent working + results = Trust
I always believe in that.
R - Real Result, Real People
E - Earn respect + recognition + reputation with your result
S - Shiok when you have result, kan?
U - U need to have good result
L - Less Talking, Get Result
T - Talk Less, More Result
We hear the above phrases quite often, but how often we take it seriously? people around us have their own agenda (no matter how kind that person to you), and each conversation, each instruction demand result, if not we keep talking and instructing...
it's very hard to please people...
Good results comes with sincerity of getting the results. Well with sincerity of getting the results the rewards you get is the trust and with the trust build then comes loyalty towards the responsibilty. when this reaction and actions combined and blend Consistency will definetly comes a long the way.
Understanding from different expects in whatever we do does help to build trust too.
"hardworking..done our deadline..and the end, we got money and trust."
Understand that what needs to be done must get done in the best possible way, and responsibly. And when it gets done, the resultas will follow. Grat adrenaline rush all round!
deliver ur promise. Thats important.
A successful people is only judged by its RESULTS. Results speak louder than words. It is useless to just talk and look good from the surface. At the end, your RESULTS reflect your trust, credibility and attitude to others. No more talking, just doing to gain RESULTS!!
People don't just judge a successful person by its RESULTS only. There are many criterias to be one.
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