August 5, 2024

Many like to play “Entrepreneur” in Business Theatre.


So many like to play “Entrepreneur” in Business Theatre. They want to be seen & talk Entrepreneurship to be part of the Entrepreneur community. Why? Apparently it’s cool. Why? Because so many have been sold on the idea of the sexiness of financial freedom & freedom of time. Well the real truth is that Entrepreneurship is painful for most and extremely fulfilling for some. The reality is that most are just not cut out to be entrepreneurs. Why? It’s always a dream that is always more beautiful till it gets ugly with the daily challenges, obstacles and difficulties that a real entrepreneur deals with. Human issues, operational issues, sales issues, cash flow issues, and a whole lot more issues that comes with real entrepreneurship. 90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. Can you imagine how many fail within the first year? Well then again you could be the champion that is just so damn good at making shit happen. 

So a little reminder, Entrepreneurship is not about just being seen at entrepreneur events to take pics especially if it’s the same people all the time. Building & growing real businesses requires real work and commitment. You have to meet and sell to people that do not know you. Why? You have real value that they want. And Yes that means fold up your sleeves to sell, lead, sell the vision, raise capital to grow, sell some more, hire, fire, sell some more, raise more capital, take heat from customers, strike partnerships, cut off incompetent partners, cut deals and sell even more for more growth while dealing with daily shit and making shit happen! Repeat and enjoy the process. I am grateful that I enjoy entrepreneurship as I am always curious to learn more daily and to find solutions for bigger problems. Why? The bigger the problem the bigger the opportunity for me to grow. And if it’s a big problem to solve most will probably not want or be able to do it. So that’s my opportunity. Just my 3 cents. Why 3 cents and not 2 cents? I am an entrepreneur and I decide what I want it to be. 😉🙏😎 


#entrepreneurship #PORTMAN #Education


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this insightful perspective, Mr. Ernie. It's true that entrepreneurship often gets glamorized, but the reality is much tougher and less forgiving. The challenges you mentioned are real and can be overwhelming. Yet, it's these very challenges that shape resilient and innovative entrepreneurs. Your reminder about the importance of genuine effort and commitment resonates deeply. Embracing the grind and finding joy in solving big problems is indeed where true growth happens. Appreciate your 3 cents!

- Nurul Asyikin

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you Mr Ernie! Entrepreneurship isn’t just about showing up and looking good at events - it’s about handling daily challenges and tough problems everyday. I believe that anyone on this journey really enjoys the hard work and the chance to grow from it. 'Fall down seven times, stand up eight' - a quote i always hold onto, for years.


Aqilla said...

Your analysis of entrepreneurship is both perceptive and grounded. It reminds us that real success is defined by consistent effort, determination, and navigating everyday challenges, rather than the often exaggerated appeal of fame and glamour. Thank you for focusing on the true aspects of value creation

Nurul Ain Fatehah said...

Entrepreneurship is about more than just appearances. It's about handling daily challenges and growing through the hard work. We need to be truly passionate about it, the journey can be rewarding despite its difficulties.

Nurul Ain Fatehah binti Baharuddin
PORTMAN College Lecturer

Rahm said...

Is it cool to be an entrepeneur?
Is it easy?

Hearing a lot ot story from you and actually witness the process is a big opportunity for me to learn about hardworks and dedication. Thank you for always sharing your insight with us Mr. Ernie.

ICT Teacher
PORTMAN International School

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's true that entrepreneurship is not easy and requires significant effort. It's essential to conduct thorough research, learn continuously, and understand market needs. Thank you for sharing your insights, Mr. Ernie. -Rizal-

fadelah said...

Sangat setuju dan memang betul, ramai yang suka akan "Usahawan" tetapi ramai yang tidak tahu akan realitinya macam mana. Mereka hanya nampak apabila usahawan itu sudah berada di puncak, tetapi kabur untuk melihat bagaimana seorang usahawan itu merangkak untuk sampai ke puncak. Benar, bukan semua orang boleh mendapatkan gelaran "USAHAWAN". Hanya yang betul-betul layak akan menjadi USAHAWAN yang sebenar.


Hamsavathi Ramalingam said...

Thank you for the sharing, I totally agree with you Mr. Ernie. "Building a business isn't just about being seen—it's about doing the work, solving the problems, and staying committed through the highs and lows. The real entrepreneurs are the ones who keep grinding, day in and day out, no matter what."

Anonymous said...

When people see the success of entrepreneurs, everyone wants to be one. But behind every well-known and successful entrepreneur are numerous challenges and hardships that often go unseen. Thanks for all the motivation that strengthens our spirit to keep working hard and achieving our goals.


Aishah said...

Indeed Sir, not everything is easy, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Not everyone is willing to face the daily challenges and navigate through every obstacle.

Teacher Mirah said...

Thank you for sharing your perspective on entrepreneurship Mr. Ernie! Your insights are a powerful reminder of the reality behind the glamour often associated with being an entrepreneur. It's true that the journey is fraught with challenges and that success requires relentless effort and commitment!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr Ernie for sharing your thoughts on entrepreneurship. Your message captures the true challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. It’s a powerful reminder that real success requires hard work, resilience, and commitment.

Highlighting the daily struggles and the importance of creating real value is both enlightening and motivating. Your personal approach to seeing opportunities in big problems is inspiring and sets a great example for us all. (Fikri)

Afif Hasim said...

Your insights on entrepreneurship are spot on! It's refreshing to see someone highlight both the challenges and the rewards of building a business. Your perspective on the grit, determination, and constant learning required is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing such a realistic and motivating message. Here's to all the real entrepreneurs out there making things happen! 🙌🚀

-Afif Hasim-

Anonymous said...

I believe that Mr. Ernie is the best example of an entrepreneur who embodies these essential qualities. Your dedication to your business is evident in your tireless efforts to innovate and improve. Mr. Ernie's willingness to take risks has led to numerous breakthroughs and successes, demonstrating your courage to pursue new opportunities despite uncertainties. Your entrepreneurial journey is a testament to how dedication and risk-taking can lead to remarkable achievements. Observing Mr. Ernie's work has been incredibly inspiring. It has reinforced my understanding of the importance of these qualities in entrepreneurship and has encouraged me to embody these attributes in my own endeavors. Like Mr. Ernie, I strive to be dedicated to my goals and am willing to take the necessary risks to achieve success. Thank you for your great knowledge, Sir. (Lalitha)

Lalitha said...

I believe that Mr. Ernie is the best example of an entrepreneur who embodies these essential qualities. Your dedication to your business is evident in your tireless efforts to innovate and improve. Mr. Ernie's willingness to take risks has led to numerous breakthroughs and successes, demonstrating your courage to pursue new opportunities despite uncertainties. Your entrepreneurial journey is a testament to how dedication and risk-taking can lead to remarkable achievements. Observing Mr. Ernie's work has been incredibly inspiring. It has reinforced my understanding of the importance of these qualities in entrepreneurship and has encouraged me to embody these attributes in my own endeavors. Like Mr. Ernie, I strive to be dedicated to my goals and am willing to take the necessary risks to achieve success. Thank you for your great knowledge, Sir. (Lalitha)

Teacher Rani said...

Thank you very much for sharing Mr. Ernie and saying it as it is. Entrepreneurship is indeed challenging and those who work smart, hard and fast will reap the reward.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your inspired words, if you think you work hard, work harder! As an entrepreneur, you are not just pursuing a business idea, you are embarking on a personal growth and innovation. It requires a deep belief in your vision, an unwavering commitment to your goals, and a willingness to embrace both the highs and lows. Stay adaptable in your approach, and always remain focused on your vision. Your journey might be challenging, but it is also immensely rewarding!

- Puteri Nur Izzati

Cheah Yuen Ru said...

Mr. Ernie, thanks for sharing your honest take on entrepreneurship. Your reminder that real entrepreneurship is about facing challenges head-on and putting in the hard work. It's not just about the glamorous events and social media posts. I appreciate your advice on staying committed, selling our vision, and constantly learning and adapting. Your journey shows us that with dedication and a willingness to tackle the tough stuff, we can achieve great things.

Amirah K said...

Thank you for the insightful sharing Mr Ernie. Aspiring entrepreneurs need to develop key skills such as adaptability, strategic thinking, financial literacy, and effective communication to achieve success. More importantly, entrepreneurs need to cultivate resilience and creativity to navigate challenges. These skills can perhaps be applied by educators, who can be considered as entrepreneurs of knowledge. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn these skills as an educator too :)
- Amirah K -

Eric Chen said...

Nowadays, many young people are influenced by stories of entrepreneurial success on the internet, believing that starting a business and making money is easy. However, as mentioned by Mr. Ernie, entrepreneurship is not that simple. Many people embark on the entrepreneurial path on a whim without fully understanding the difficulties and challenges involved, often resulting in business failures or even bankruptcy. Thank you Mr. Ernie for the sharing.

Saras said...

Your message can serve as a valuable piece of advice, encouraging those who are serious about entrepreneurship to go in with their eyes open, fully aware of both the potential rewards and the inevitable struggles.

Ryan How said...

Being an entrepreneur may seem cool, but many people don't see the pain behind the success of entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is not just someone who shows up for photo sessions; they bring value to society and their stakeholders.

Entrepreneurs constantly deal with problems on a daily basis. The more issues we can resolve, the more valuable we become.

It requires sacrifices and consistently putting in effort. Thank you Mr. Ernie for your inspiring sharing!

Anonymous said...

Such a thought-provoking message Mr Ernie. Your vantage point on entreprenuership is really fascinating. Looking forward for similar perspectives.

Anonymous said...

I love your saying, "the bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity to grow," and I completely agree with you. Becoming an entrepreneur isn't just about looking good in pictures with the same people all the time. It's about building and growing the business consistently, not just for the first year or the first five years, but for the long term until it truly becomes a successful business. Congratulations, Mr. Ernie, on being an entrepreneur for over 20 years and for the growth of PORTMAN Education Group. Additionally, thank you also for leading and guiding me on this journey of growth.

Cobein said...

One of the major takeaways from this is to solve bigger problems to grow bigger. We should not ask why but why not. Mental fortitute goes a long way in entrepreneurship.

Danial said...

Mr. Ernie, your post is a powerful and honest take on the realities of entrepreneurship. It's refreshing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing and motivating us to embrace the true challenges of building a business.

David Yew said...

Great insights, Mr. Ernie! Truly inspiring to see the real side of entrepreneurship. At PORTMAN, we embrace these challenges and strive to instill the same resilience in our students. Proud to be part of this journey!

Atiq Afira said...

Entrepreneurship is undeniably challenging. It demands immense hard work, resilience, and the ability to constantly solve problems and tackle daily challenges. True entrepreneurs must be dedicated and prepared to face and overcome numerous obstacles in order to succeed. Thank you Mr. Ernie, for sharing your insights and inspiring us.

Anonymous said...

There is only a certain level of knowledge we can learn from books but the things we learn from your sharing is beyond that. I believe its because of your experience and also the entrepreneurship charisma that you carry so well.

People tend to think that they can make huge sum of money by being an entrepreneur but the roller coaster ride that you have to go through takes a lot of courage and consistency.

Thank you very much for the constant push and encouragement sir!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. Entrepreneurship seems glamorous, but it’s really tough. Many businesses fail within five years, showing how hard it is. But these challenges also offer chances to grow. The journey is hard, but for those who love solving problems and stay committed, it can be very rewarding.

- asyraf

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr Ernie for sharing this insightful and powerful message. It truly captures the essence of what it means to be an entrepreneur; the dedication, the challenges, and the unwavering commitment required to build and grow a real business. Your perspective is a much-needed reminder that true entrepreneurship goes beyond the surface level and involves real work and resilience. I appreciate your emphasis on the value of persistence and the opportunities that come with solving bigger problems. Your words are both motivating and grounding, reminding us why we do what we do. Thank you for inspiring us to embrace the process and strive for genuine success.

Vicky Yew said...

As an entrepreneur, it is indeed not easy. The pressure and risks we have to bear are beyond what ordinary people can handle. We need to expand ourselves, take on greater responsibilities, and work together to achieve the goal of an IPO!

haiman ihsan said...

Agreed Mr. Ernie. Take the challenge of funding a startup. Entrepreneurs often struggle to find investors or secure loans. They need to pitch their ideas convincingly and manage limited resources carefully. This means planning expenses wisely and finding creative ways to keep the business running. It’s a constant effort to balance the books and ensure the business can grow.

Rangjini said...

You are a champion boss.... in this 😃 .

Entrepreneurship is often glamorized, with many aspiring to it for the perceived benefits of financial and time freedom. However, the reality is that entrepreneurship is challenging.

True entrepreneurship involves facing numerous difficulties, including human, operational, sales, and cash flow issues. It's not just about networking at events but about real work and commitment—selling to new people, leading, raising capital, and continuously solving problems.
The key to success lies in embracing these challenges and finding opportunities in solving big problems, which most might avoid.

The journey is about persistence, learning, and growth, making it ultimately fulfilling for those who thrive in it.

Gym Chan said...

Running a business is not easy, even with established business platforms that have been built over the years. There is a saying: a professional worker will never be a good entrepreneur, and an entrepreneur will never be as good a professional worker. I don't know if this is true, but as someone who has grown within an organization, I feel that I am improving day by day, almost like I am managing my own business within the organization. I have never been an entrepreneur before, but with my current experience, I can already feel that becoming an entrepreneur is not a simple task that anyone can easily undertake. The responsibilities become yours, and it's never an easy journey.

In my experience, I have witnessed many entrepreneurs face ups and downs, with some eventually returning to professional work. To me, if you are meant to be a professional worker, you might not be suited to be an entrepreneur. If you have the spirit to become an entrepreneur, ensure that it's not a one-man show that won't last long. Stepping into an already growing business platform and taking it further can be a viable option for anyone wanting to run a business. This is also not easy, as you have higher benchmarks to meet and achieve, but it provides you with a faster platform and resources to grow both the business and yourself simultaneously.

Alya Ruhaizam said...

Wishing you continued success and energy! ‘Entrepreneurship isn’t about event selfies; it’s about hard work and solving big problems.’ Your dedication is inspiring. Keep making it happen!

Anonymous said...

Only those who have been through the ups and downs, breaks, and breakthroughs, and still choose to continue working on it, no matter the good or bad times, truly understand what it takes to be a real entrepreneur. Until then, it's just lip service. Focus on what you want and keep going until you achieve what you set out for. Everything has its timing, and everyone has their place. Wonderful lesson learned. YOLO!

Ivy Loh

Cheryl said...

If you want to make more money, you have to deal with bigger problems. 😉 If you want to make fast money, then the entrepreneurial journey is definitely not for you.

Anonymous said...

Outcomes will not play along with you if you are just faking it. Just like being an entrepreneur. Reading at what Mr Ernie have shared about entrepreneurship it is the reflection of why many people spoke so much about being successful but not many really be one. Playing the Successful Entrepreneur role comes with a lot of sacrifices. You cannot have it all and not wanting to let go anything. This is a very fair game. We have to learn to let go something in order to grow. Imagine you are carrying a bag that is 100kg and you have to claim the highest mountain in the world infront of you. Learn to let go thing that does not have value in us.

JL Lai