June 30, 2016

From Strategy to Execution – The 4 Key Strategies – Part 1 of 4

This is Part 1 of 4 on the 4 Key Strategies moving forward for the ATCEN Education Group. 

Since last year when I presented on the ATCEN Transformational Plan, within a 6 months period I have ensured that the strategies put in place were executed effectively. As such, the company is doing much better and in a very good position to grow once a again.   

After last Saturday’s Mid Year Review, I have presented on our 1st Half of the year results. We have a shortfall of 20% from the set target for Mid Year. This is fine as we were still working hard to put the house in order and the market conditions have not been that good. However, we are focused and ready with new strategies and plans to ensure that we achieve our set target for the financial year of 2016. 

A lot of times when I present strategies, most team members are in awe and think the strategies are amazing. However they either do not understand how to implement or they do nothing after the presentations and end up as casualties from the organisation. Meaning they get terminated or they leave the organisation realising there is no longer a good fit with what the organisation is trying to do and achieve. 

Let me remind you on the 1st Strategy – 

1. Increase MARKET SHARE

a) Commit to a focused Education Group Brand Identity.
This is really about how we communicate our brand from every aspect of our businesses. This is about how we conduct our behaviours in regards to education. This is how we provide exceptional educational experience for our students & clients from every learning touchpoint. We must be seen as the organisation that develops and educate the people in Asia. 
1.    When people ask you what does your company do? Your response will be, "We Develop People through Education.”   
2.    What is so special about your organisation? Your response will be, “We are a One Stop Education Provider” 
3.    Why is your organisation different from the rest? Your response will be, "Our Culture of Making a Difference"

b) Capture Market & Mind share through Aggressive Online & Social Media Marketing.

Mindshare - This is when we want people to always remember us by. We want people to associate us with People Development & Education. When we own the mindshare of the customers, we will win the market share. 

Marketshare – This is when we want to dominate our niche areas by leveraging on online & social media marketing. We have put in place a very heavy budget to advertise and market on FB and other channels on social media. You will start to see even more aggressive marketing online starting this September. 

Look out Asia as we are coming for you!!!  


Farmy Yow said...

Looking forward to see great things ahead!

Noorfa said...

Looking forward for a new achievement Boss.

Unknown said...

Thanks for everything.. I have learned a lot from you boss. -Nazlin Ahaddin-

Grace said...

Ready to serve. -May May-

Unknown said...

PORTMAN will be doing great a change in education. All the best!

Unknown said...

Since the beginning I do believe in PORTMAN College direction.
PORTMANian, all the best for the future and keep up the good work!

Sabrina Samsudin said...

Great strategic management is essential for long-term business success. I am looking forward to seeing more great achievement by our college.

Shera said...

This is an exciting time! Marketshare needs to be captured fast! Everything is a race now. If we are not fast enough to seize opportunities, we are left behind.

Happy Hunting!

arison ho said...

Yes, I 'm glad to be in the education industry especially working in PORTMAN College. It is exciting to grow with the team together. --Arison

Unknown said...

Yeah! We know who we are and clear what are we doing. We are a team! We move together with the same vision and missions.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree.
Strategy help a company to achieve each of their target.


Peggie Woo said...

Dear Mr Ernie,

Thanks for sharing.
We will focus on new strategies and plans to ensure that we achieve our target.
Let's do together and MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world !!!

Ivy PORTMAN said...

I believe the only way can change a people's life is through education, and you can't stop learning.

rosmalia said...

People were doing business with one another through the Internet already, through bulletin boards. But on the Web, we could make it interactive, we could create an auction, we could create a real marketplace. It is useful for our student to learn e-commerce.


Chris Pang said...

Great said for the MINDSHARE part,

"When we own the mindshare of the customers, we will win the market share".

What we do and is what we are, this is a very strong commitment to a brand identity.
With the good strategies in place, we can become one of the strong pillar of the house.

Own the mindshare of the customers, powerful strategy.

Kenny said...

Set direction and goal, focus it, remove all the obstacle.

When people think about education, they will think of ATCEN Education Group.

Luna Yap said...

We will focus the strategies to ensure that we achieve our set target for this year 2016.


IT is very important to let everyone in your team to stick a line for the vision and mission for a company. However some of them even they know how beauty are that but if they didn't take action , at the end everything are still the same.

Besides,Commit to a focused Education Group Brand Identity, which is very strong ways to run a business especially in this current situation. when is a good time we need to diversify, when is a bad time we need to stay focus on specialization. Your team follow the ways to talk, When people ask you what does your company do? Your response will be, "We Develop People through Education.” This can create a very strong branding in Education form the internal staff to the external public.

EAT the Mindshare then you will win the MARKETSHARE !!!

Kelvin Thong said...

Thanks Mr Ernie sharing this!!!
I totally agree with you because education can transform a ppl' so life drastically.

Nowadays ONLINE is the most powerful way to capture the market. Online has become the most influential and sought-after content on the web, because it quick, free and convenient.

-Kelvin Thong

Suria said...

Strategy + Execution = Results
Without either one, you are preparing youself to fail..

Unknown said...

Thanks for the sharing Mr. Ernie.

I believe by working hard and implementing the right strategies we will achieve our GOAL!
I'm glad to be part of PORTMAN, because we MAKE A DIFFERENCE through education!
I strongly believe education can change a person life's life, because I have experienced it at PORTMAN College!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"- Nelson Mandela

Thanks for everything!

Unknown said...

I 'm glad to working in PORTMAN College. It is exciting to grow with the team together. We have a great strategy team at PORTMAN College, PORTMANian let us " Be the best of Education College in Asia"

Gym Chan said...

You always deliver what you have promised.
People will like to stay in an organization which have a clear vision & objective.

Absolutely agree the 3 responses.
"We Develop People through Education"
"We are a One Stop Education Provider"
"Our Culture of Making a Difference"

As what you always taught me, EDUCATION is an evergreen business with a meaningful value and it Make A Difference to people life.
Education changed my life, I experienced the real Education!
I can't let this stop here and not growing, I want to bring the Real Education to the world. EDUCATION can change people life.

Do something meaningful and benefits the world before die.

I strongly believe your 4 key strategies will lead the organization to achieve our vision.
I will die die and work harder to stick with this wonderful organization.

We came to this world with nothing.
However, we can leave something meaningful for world before we leave.

Mr. Ernie you started the journey with the right spirit & culture, the journey won't end.
This is not a lonely journey, we achieve TOGETHER!

MY said...

We are committed to the targets and will achieve it with the right strategies!

Unknown said...

Final call of duty - Towards Vision 2020.

Dj Jay said...

Really excited for what is planned ahead. Will work towards achieving our Vision, Goals and Targets. Ultimately, making a difference in people's lives. -JAY

烤焦面包人 said...

boss,agree with you. we have to stay to focus achieve our target

Michelle Liew

Unknown said...

Love to see vision becoming into reality. Keep moving forward!

H@J@R said...

Another half way to achieving the set target. Gannbatte Kudasai team :)

Unknown said...

It is not easy to find an organisation that is so keen on Making A Difference in others' lives, to educate the others, to transform the others with a clear direction and vision. I have written down the responses on a paper and will keep remind myself to immerse in the direction and the reason why we exist in the market. Thank you Mr. Ernie, appreciate that. Dickson

Unknown said...

I have always been very proud to be part of the ATCEN Education Group. Let's focus and commit to the single goal!

Unknown said...

Results is louder than words! committed to the goal and use the strategies to break through!

Unknown said...

Always on track, we will reach our goal as a team! Thank you Mr.Ernie.