April 5, 2021

Anything is Possible! - 8 Years Ago.

How did I do it? How did I manage to always be able to achieve what I want? 

1. Know what you want to achieve. 

2. Keep reminding yourself and everyone what you want. Law of Attraction works. 

3. Take massive actions consistently and continuously every single day. 

4. Never say die and give up attitude no matter what the situation that you are in. 

5. Be grateful, thankful and pray for the opportunity to live life your way for you.

It is never if I would achieve what I want but always when I will be achieving it. Patience is everything. 🙏

#ErnieChen #motivation #lawofattraction #StayAlive #stayontopofyourgame #yourtimewillcome


Ginny said...

Yes, it is very true.

Know what you want to achieve is very important to move on. Be responsible with it, and make it happen.

Thanks for your sharing.

Syazwani Sabry said...

Thank you for the tips, Mr. Ernie. Your transformation is truly inspiring to many of us. Because when we feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside. This is not only true for our personal lives, but also for the business. In today's era of volatility, there is no other way but to re-invent if we want to be sustainable.

Pragash Ari Ragavan said...

Absolutely. It begins with a clear understanding of the vision. mission and goals and formulating the right action plans that will support the attainment of our vision, mission and goals. With the right action plan, probabilities of success are always much higher. Being persistent and highly focused remain fundamental in a highly competitive and volatile market. We have explored different opportunities for sustainability and growth and will continue exploring all the opportunities to optimize and solidify our core purpose and presence in the market.

Cheryl Lim said...

Living your life by not knowing what you want is kind of sad. Having a dream and target to chase after is pretty amazing even the journey is tough. But always keep remind myself nothing comes easy but everything is possible 😉 Timing is everything, just be patience and keep moving forward!

Carmen Tham said...

Yes, I strongly agree with it, we always need to be thankful for all the things or the people that we have met before because they can help to make us be growth.

Thanks for your sharing Mr Ernine.

Pohyi Choong said...

Indeed, action speaks louder than word.
Keep moving, show with result.

Madi zainal said...

Valuable tips! No matter what , just try first . All in , all out . Whatever the result come, just be grateful. Not satisfied, try again with improvement!

Vivian Khor said...

Always follow our passion. I believed that your five tips are useful to lead a person to achieve success in both life and business. Mr Ernie, thanks for your sharing!

Gym Chan said...

Everything is achievable & anything is possible. Happen or not it's all based on self decisions. All motivational quotes from all successful one's. Their message is the same.
It's called Never Give Up. The word of Never Give Up looks easy, but this is the hardest thing for all to actually do it for themselves.

What motivates everyone to move is Results. The more improvement and the more results we achieved everyday will keep us moving forward and not to give up easily. The only reason why people give up is because it's not important to them anymore or they didn't see the result they want.

Stay focus on what you want and make it happen.

Natasha Najla said...

A great leader is one who makes those around them better. Thank you for your sharing Mr Ernie.

Karen Lin said...

Yes! Anything is possible. It's up to you to make that goal your most important goal and then achieve it anyway. Action and a strong belief that no matter how hard it is, it can be achieved. If no action, all is imagination.

Vicky Yew said...

Dear Mr. Ernie,
Set a right target, follow the the right person and wait for the right time, everything can be happen. We just have to keep on working on the right thing.

Rangjini said...

Truly. If you believe in yourself anything is possible. Just stay focused and move forward goals, mission, and vision which has been set.

Sundari said...

Yes, agreed. If the plan doesn't work change the plan but never the goal.
Always fight for what we want to achieve and the harder we work the better we will get.
Never give up and be strong on what you want.

Thank you for sharing.

Andrew Yau said...

Yes sir. It's very straight forward.

Everything starts with our MIND. If we think it's possible, IT IS, and likewise.

Set the vision, and walk on it, actions lead to RESULTS! There would be challenges, of course, but beautiful things only happened when we walk it through.



-Andrew Ykl -

Peggie Woo said...

Agreed. Anything is possible. You will never know what it’s the end results unless you go through yourself.

Stay strong, stay focus and stay positive. We are just one day away. Thank you.

fadelah said...

Terima kasih Sifu untuk tips tips tersebut.

Walau apa pun terjadi, kita tetap perlu melangkah. Jika ada peluang, ambil sahaja. Mungkin itu kejayaan untuk kita.


Luna Yap said...

Agreed. Follow your decision or target for what you want to achieve. Anything is possible as long you have the right mindset and never give up until you see the result.

Anonymous said...

Ye agreed Mr. Ernie,

It is essential to have a clear vision in order to archive our goal, and constantly work hard until you reach your goals.

Positive attitude, positive mindset will lead to positive outcomes.

- Izzati Anuar-

Anonymous said...

Stay focus and avoid from any distraction, keep on working and be patient for our time to come. As long as we keep doing what we suppose to do, we will sure achieve what we want in the time to come.

-Alan Yong-

Anonymous said...

We would like to thank you for the life tip that has been given to us. It means a lot to anyone that is still struggling for betterment.

- Shaminy Navin-

Ivy said...

Great one. Totally agreed.

Knowing what you really want, take massive action and be grateful to what happened to us in the journey.

Anything is possible!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree that it takes a whole lot of patience to achieve what we want. What is much more difficult is the act of reminding ourselves daily of actually having patience. Knowing that it takes time to obtain something fulfilling is the utmost achievement one can have. Thank you for such a thoughtful share Mr Ernie.

-Rozanne Sharlini-

Anonymous said...

Yes and Agree with Mr. Ernie

Know what you want and go for it. This is a very important for first step. Really thank you for the life tip that has been given to us and because of that we need more patience to take action.
