June 25, 2008

Your Father’s Company Is It?

All employees take note. You should all think that you own the company you work for because it encourages a sense of ownership. BUT in order for that to happen, you must behave like how a company owner should.

Unfortunately, there are many stupid people who do just the opposite because they don’t understand that if you want to behave like it’s your company, you must know that people who own companies hardly ever sleep – at least the ones who take pride in what they do.

For these company owners, there’s no such thing standard working hours and they are wiling to go the extra mile where their time and effort is concerned. But sadly, some of these owners are cursed with idiots who seem to think nothing of making the company or organization look bad.

Now Nikko Hotel is a fantastic place. A world-class establishment, it is evident that a whole lot of effort has gone into making it a five star hotel. Now there is an incident that happened to my team that makes me feel truly sorry for Nikko hotel that because of one bad fruit, its reputation might take a turn for the worse.

I won’t go into details about what happened, but would just like to share what their assistant sales director said when he was called at 7pm for something he was supposed to deliver days ago. This is what he said, “Please don’t disturb me during my rest time and this is not my working hour.” Man, what fantastic service.

Then there is this character – an average executive who commits herself to getting payment out – there is written proof of this in her emails, and then goes on to call my team ridiculous when payment is demanded after repeated delays on her company’s end.

These individuals are so insecure about their competency and personal selves that they feel it necessary to let the whole world know that they are sad and sorry people who derive joy in putting other people down.

Can somebody please offer them a drink of water so they can snap out of the hallucination plaguing them – or maybe it’ll be better to splash the water on their faces so they can be rid of the mirage in front of them depicting them as lords over the rest of the world.

Just who the f*** do you think you are bossing and bullying people they way you do? Get over yourself! You are just an employee – useless and a big nothing because of the way you treat others. You are redundant and you will never amount to anything more than what you are until you see yourselves for who you really are and change your stinking bad attitudes. Have you ever stopped to think about why you’re moody, grumpy and unhappy all the time? Perhaps it’s time you did – use your rest time if you must.


Ms Yati said...

Hello!! Wake up..Gosh, is this what A five star hotel people would do or should we just call it A NO STAR Hotel..Such a waste..

Anonymous said...

Assistance Sales Director, is nothing for me. If you holding such a high position, you better deliver the services match to you job title. Also, you are the person represent the company. Your services is going to measure by your guest as well as your vendor. Don't forget the power of word of mouth. If your work performance is suck than your staff under you. How are you going to lead the team, and you are so-called the management team in your company? This fellow should take a lesson. A person is never respecting other, don't expect others will respecting you.

Anonymous said...

Charm & HL,

Always remember that in all organization, good or bad, there will always be black sheeps. The organizations will need to constantly weed out the bad ones fast so that it does not influence others.

Anonymous said...

Nowdays, most of the employees don't have the ownership, they just follow their own offices working hour, punch their cards on time and punch out their cards on time too (means they just appear in office, sometimes is not working). Somemore worst, they take back the company stuff (eg. stationary, toilet roll paper, coffee, etc.) as their own. This is because, they have a mind set that company just pay them that period of time only, they should have this kind of bad attitude, they shouldn't "in the office" more than 8 hours, it is not worth! But they didn't think about another angle of view. If all the employees behave the same way, the companny might be bacrupt. At the end of the day, they are jobless...

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