July 25, 2008

Living In The Shadow of Doubt and Held Back by Fear

Do you know what you’re afraid of? Forget about the snakes, spiders, or small spaces – think about what you’re really afraid of. Knowing what scares you is a good thing because then you’ll be prepared – if you go around thinking you’re not afraid of anything then you must not be of this earth, and it’s time for you to return to your planet.

I say be aware of your fears – but NEVER let it hold you back. If you do, and then whine about it, my suggestion would be to crawl into a cave, stay there and spare others from your pathetic excuses.

Did you know when you were born you were born fearless? The fear that holds you back from being all that you can be is a learned behavior. How many times have you said I can’t do that because…. change that statement to I am fearful of doing that because…. stop and listen to what you are saying. Dig deep and find out what it is you are fearful of.

Imagine what it would be like to spend the rest of your life in someone else’s shadow just because you were afraid to try something? That’s not living at all.
There are people who decide not to take a job because they’re afraid of the long hours, the pressure, and the amount of work. But if you know that the organization is good for you and will equip you with valuable skills and knowledge – are you still going to let fear hold you back? You’re stupid if you are and don’t deserve it in the first place.


Anonymous said...

When we're afraid to do something, just do it. Don't let negative thingking controls you. You'll not learn if you do not take action! Learn from mistake & do not repeat the same mistake in future..

Anonymous said...

It doesn’t matter if we take longer time to do things that make us uncomfortable, as long as we take the action. when we see the results; it is worth doing it. Ultimately to overcome fear is to take ACTION. There is no other better solution.

Jeremy Lee said...

Some people fear being Successful. How dumb can they be.

Anonymous said...

This is very POWERFUL. It shot through my heart. I want to be SUCCESSFUL but i FEAR Success itself and the package that comes with it. This sounds silly but i really dig deep. Thank you very much for the advice Ernie.

Anonymous said...

Precisely! Never let FEAR holds you back. I believe "dreams" and "fears" are always sitting at the opposite site of a seesaw.

If you have fear, your dreams will perish. You may ask, how do we oversome our fear?

Well?! You know the answer - GET A BIGGER DREAM!

Anonymous said...

We have to have the courage to leave the comfort zone and face the challenges ahead.

Anonymous said...

Before this, I always thought that it was good to reach a comfort zone when it comes to career, but when I reached it, I felt demotivated and I didn't feel like I was going anywhere at all. And then I realized, I should actually fear not the comfort zone, but reaching the comfort zone and doing nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Most of the motivational or self-help books I read before said that, the only thing to overcome Fear is take ACTION! I applied it to my real life. It's really work!

Anonymous said...

Most of the time people are afraid of something that doesn't happen yet. They're afraid of the uncertain future. Example, they don't want to start a business because they're afraid that it'd fail or they're afraid to change job because the new job might be more stressful.

I believe that if you're afraid of something, don't JUST do it. E.g. You're afraid if you start a business, it'd fail. Don't JUST start a business. A lot of people misunderstood the saying, "just do it". Take ACTION to do research and be really prepared. If you just do it and then your business fails... You only have 3 Ringgit, a whole family to feed and the banks keep calling you to pay your debt, can you take it? What do you do?

Anonymous said...

Doubt of whether I'm making the right decision and fear of taking the wrong action.. thats what fears me.
Success is something everyone wants in life but the road to success is what people fear to ride on.
What I've learnt; if you never take the first step you will never come out of the dark corner that you are in..