I think we question ourselves too much sometimes so much so that we end up more confused after. Many of us go through second guessing ourselves and trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t – we have so much of self doubt and if you don’t sort it out, you will become a miserable excuse for a human being. But I have the solution thanks to Scent of a Woman starring Al Pacino. I remember a scene where as he walked out of his house, he made a comment to his cat about having sex when in doubt. I thought it was pretty cool because sometimes in life, we just need to do it. Imagine how much you can save on therapy bills…
second guessing does make us confuse, just follow your heart and use common sense..
Wuhuuuu!!! There're gonna be a lot of f%#kin'!
think too much, you'll be lost somewhere. Just DO IT...
sometimes when you think too much, you make thing more difficult and don't know where to start...
Just set a target and do, it will save us damn lot of time!!
had the same thought when was backpacking. we just gotta go ahead and do it
if i doubt too long for something, i will ignore it totally.
I've gone through many moments of "not doing" in my life and today i ponder what if i had... nothing beats doing. Makes life a lot more interesting and vibrant.
Do not think to much because you will end up doing nothing. Spend 10% time on thinking and 90% time on doing it. Thanks.
I second guess myself alot but come to realize that it's just a waste of time and I'm trying to get over it and "Just Do It".
When in doubt you can also tell a person to &*(%! off
Once we are doubt, we cannot stand still on our position. Follow our heart and keep going or else we will always be the LOSER! Don't hesitate anyMORE>....
Just Do IT is a great motto to have in life. However do PLAN to get there faster.
When in doubt, the things will not going well. Why not take a deep breath, look into what you suppose to do and do it accordingly.
Analyze is good, but don't be over analyzed! the brain will get confused if think too much.
nice one...save money for pills. im not the only cheapskate after all...haha just kidding.
It depands on situation. If its a really 'Do It' thing than have to do after thinking it through. If you really don't need to do it or say anything, than just don't.
Yup, Just do it first. Think too much will make you more difficult.
'Hesitation' and 'procrastination' is the sister of 'assumptions'. Therefore, all of them are the mother of all F%#KUPS...
For many times in my life that I wanted to get something done and start something but because of my irrational hesitations and procrastinations, I ended up doing absolutely nothing at all.
Now, I think the best rule to keep in for the rest of my life is this:
I don't like to confuse myself. Just follow the your heart and "Just Do It". Sometime must challenge your own guts to make life more meaningful.
Thinking is good. However over thinking may cause us to have doubt and stopping us taking action. Nothing will happen without any action...
We have to think before we take action. But it doesn't mean we have think the first round, second round, third round...and end up without taking any action. Because we are lost!
we still need to think no matter what... Balancing act is most challenging.
When in doubt, take action to get advice.
don’t just do it without thinking and don’t just think without doing a single thing.
Oh What The F@(&!!!
Go for it Anyway..!
Take a chance. It's a whole new experience.
What does not kill you makes you stronger.
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