It is a really great to have found what one’s calling is to do. I am truly passionate about starting businesses and what’s even greater than that is that I can combine all my passion and businesses together into 1 mega project that will not just entertain but educate the masses at the same time. Visions are great. But if we do not move towards them, it is nothing but a dream. This is the next BIG thing that I am now working on with my team and we look forward to the outcome of the project.
Coming to a computer near you ..............
Coming to a computer near you ..............
wow,really can't wait..with the heads all vamping up their image+new hairstyle..i loike it!!:)
By the definition frm financial dictionary: Entrepreneur - A risk-taker who has the skills and initiative to establish a business.
oh yes!this is going to be hot one. watch out world...
Connect with us through:
Fan Page: The Entrepreneur
Twitter: de_entrepreneur
wow,amazing...something that i really want to see.Perhaps that is a good thing to all ATCENians.Fantastic,Marvellous.All the world can see us now.congratulation and well done.I got the feeling.......Awesome and i like it.....
Yes EC, you're the best bussiness sifu!!
Good Stuff...this is good stuff for business person everywhere.
wOOw..i'm sure it is the most exciting moment for u..really can't wait for it..it will definitely rock the world!!!
Totally agree...
"Without vision, the people perish"
EC did it again.well guys get ready, the game has begin. Congrats EC, lets rock the world.
Good, let make dream came reality.
Dare to be the risk taker?
Best wishes! Cheers! Well done!
The future's full of promise and
It's only just begun ! Congrats EC!
the game has begin.. really cant wait... entrepreneur = risk taker.. who will be it? really will be the hottest event that will come near us, congrats EC.
This is going to be exciting for 2010. Be friend with "Pro Ducer" in Facebook to get latest update on this.
The Entrepreneur go go go!!!all the best...
The great day, when joined Making of The Entrepreneur... fun and fantastic... i like it!!
Yeah... you are a good entrepreneur.
Never ending energy from EC!can't wait for your next BIG thing to materialise.
Take risks and take advantage is the way to be sucessfull in business.The entrepreneur is the begining and i just cant wait to look forward of it!Its gonna be the hottest one!Lets play the game!Congrats EC
Congrat Ernie. You always make your vision come true.
Vision without focus is prescription for disaster.
congrats EC, can wait to see ATCEN in action...
never been so proud
You make the difference....
fire hair look,
Burning desire
Its going to be dammmm...Xciting
Amazing..good stuff & great business sifu!!
Congratulations EC, your innovative entrepreneurship skills exhibit an incremental approach to risk taking that always guarantee business success for ATCEN. EC Boleh lah....
Fantastic EC...It's going to be greater than any other biz based show...can't wait to blast this out to the world...
A great start for year 2010. Looking forward to this and credit to the team behind the scene in putting together a GREAT show.
one word.....AWESOME !!!!
this is going to be Legen - wait for it- dary!. Legendary!!!
Not many dare to dream. Those who dream, not many dare to pursue it with passion. You've dreamt and now breathing life into it. Inspiring indeed. Congrats EC.
Very Good, Very Good, Yeah!
Well done EC & Team.
ENTREPRENEUR - Create a dream to come true. YES!!!
Congratulations Ernie ! you are the one. Can't wait to see it .. Sure will rock all people globally ! ! Way to go SIFU !
WOW......this is a great milestone for us all
I look forward to each and everyone of you becoming successful entrepreneurs one day.
WOW.. Congrats to those involve and for those who lhas been supporting along the way.
Way to go Ernie and the team. Can't wait for the real show to began..
WOW!!! All the buzz is really creating a wild curiosity. can't wait for the real show!!!
Excited to see "The Entrepreneur"...
Congrats EC. you always make your dreams come true.Really cant wait for The Entrepreneur.another exciting moment for ATCENians. Thank you in advance for those behind the scene who always work hard and make sure The Entrepreneur a successful program.
Excellent! Are you up to the challenge? We are waiting for u!
Great job to EC & everyone involved. Can't wait to see all the SBU Heads in ACTION!
Very Good, Very Good, Yeah!
Event of the year! You betcha. Get all of your FB friends involved!
Also looking forward to working with the contestants.
education + entertainment
Aha... The next Donald Trump in the making... :)
The program also can teach us how to become The Entrepreneur... watch out guys..!!
It will be the hottest in the town!
Look forward of it!Its gonna be the hottest one!Lets play the game!Congrats EC
look forward of it!Its gonna be the hottest one!Lets play the game!Congrats EC
it's a very GREAT one..I love your passion..Congrats EC!
It's a very GREAT one..I love your passion..Congrats EC!
Not Easy but Great Process!
capture, capture, snip, snip, render, render, upload, upload to youtube, share it on facebook, tweet on twitter.. this is so exciting!
Good job to everyone!
A true entrepreneur.
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