The reality of the real business world is that it does not recognize your paper qualifications without real results. It does not even recognize effort without real results. The reason is because the real world requires us to pay bills. Nobody cares about your passion and will not be interested to teach you with you having nothing to offer in return. A business is not interested to pay you to get ready. Do that on your own time. The real world expects us to perform, produce and deliver on the word go. Not when you are ready.
We must ALWAYS be ready then.
always get our self ready to perform result in whatever outcome.no excuses.
"I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it." Quote by;Denzel Washington
Shape up or Ship out! Only n your dream world you will be paid to sit down and get ready. We are in the extreme world where everything is getting more and more competitive and you dont produce results .... GET OUT!!!! or be asked to leave.
Ready to get the result is the first step to get the result, if we fail to do so, we already fail to get the result that we desire.
~Ready, Get Set, Go!!!~
Opportunity does not wait for us. We have to BE READY and grab whatever that comes along.
Business is business.. no matter how hard you try if there is no results.. the door is there for you to go, don't waste peoples time teaching you for nothing!
yes, business is business..perform well,produce GREAT result, u will be sustain wherever u are.
maybe a question that we can ask ourselves is this - what results do we want to create for ourselves in order for us to be happy for the rest of our life? then work towards it!
we MUST always be ready in running a business.playing to win and all out.Take risks,take advantage of opportunities and make decisions.Have the desire to get the result to be sucessful.
Take a first step, & another step to find way perform the result. Don't waste the knowledge that given by doing nothing & wait something happen.
" In business we must WIN, In sales we must CLOSE'
Yes,business is business,if there is no result of what we are doing,exactly we must take the risk of that.Do the right thing,perform well and get the closure.But we must READY for what we are doing,and prepare of all of this.
doing things that we are passionate about is not necessary THE right thing to be doing. Doing things that produce results and achievements are above all.
High Competency and High Performance people will bring High Productivity and High Profitability to company and will definitely bring to High Income People and Country - are u one of those?
Its the approach of the future. It will determine who stays or not. We need to find a great way of getting the people who have high competencies to join up and then we can high performance...the trick is to get these people to work in one place...
We must hold ourself accountable for result and fast achievement or otherwise get ready to exit.
we MUST ALWAYS be ready and prepared what ever we want to do,take advantage from the opportunities and must bring in the RESULT..
It is the truth about life especially when you are on your own. Your RESULTS will determine whether you can pay the bills or not. People can't wait long enough for someone to be ready for the job. Learn fast so that we can sail together towards success. As for fellow fresh grads out there, grab the opportunity/chances that come and just start somewhere. Another thing, PROVE that you are worthy of that CHANCE! ~
We always depend on luck but the truth in this world we need to work hard to get the thing that we want. Change inner self to produce outcome.
Result prove everything.Without delivering result we are nothing. So if we want to become somebody we need to deliver good result. Prove to ourselves that we can do better.
Anywhere you go, anything and everything you do, it is all about producing result.
Marriage, no result - out (divorce)
Work, no result - out (terminated)
Gov & Politician, no result - out (not be elected again)
so, u want to be where everything is not about result? dream on!
Keep yourself on your toes and do something to equip yourself with new knowledge and competent in what you do.
In business, the important things MUST give 5H.. always REMEMBER 5H... and ASK ourselves about 5H.. High Competency, High Productivity, High Permormance, High Profibility..and the last things is High INCOME ECONOMY!!!
i believe i belong to that group of people who, when chllenged will work harder. under pressure, we perform better,
Don't get stuck in getting ready always. It will never end just be ready and do it.
Always be ready and always give good results. Never give up nor slowing down. It's a hard world out the, we must be always ready for it or perish.
mReady because constant thing is change
People get so caught up with getting ready to perform that, more than often, they stay stuck being busy at getting ready & forget about what's important - performing & producing results. It's a dog-eat-dog world. It's not about getting ready anymore, it's about staying ready or get run over.
It is an advantage to have paper qualification however it’s a must for a team member to contribute to the business and meet the KPI. Front line is much more transparent if they can bring the sale in or not. Back end support is also need to expedite the process. Both front line (sales) and back end (support role) are responsible for each role to produce result.
No Result = No Sales,
No Sales = No $,
No $ = No Business,
No Business = No Job,
No Job = You are Done.
Trust myself when the opportunity is comes!
Do not give up,we believe we can do it "VERY BEST"
Get Ready....for the unexpectation.
Get Ready....for the unknown.
Get Ready....for the change
Get Ready....to accept
If those who are not ready,its time for them to make their way out. But, bare in mind, no matter where you go or where you work,no one and no company will ever want you if you have "Not Ready" attitude. Every thing change and every thing moves. So "Geat Ready or Get the Hell Out"
Ready to give the result..! Ready to perform..!
result not only state on the quality paper but we need to perform the result as a prove to every one that we are in that category.
Result & performance nowaday is the key that contribute to the business success. Good result willbring to high performance & high competencies.
The key is always get ready and live with that. Don't expect what ever you wants to happen, but expect for the unexpected. Business is business & nothing personal about it. When it's come to the end it's always about producing the result...
In business we must win.. "Ready, Set, GO"..
listen,prepare and be ready...
opportunity only comes ones...
Young, old, new grads, everybody must ready..once you're ready, all done...
KPIs will drive you far. & passion will help push the extra mile. success, career, artistic values, family, world domination, bills - whatever one's passion is - always be prepared & ready to race the rat race.
well...a little extra effort will take you somewhere. more extra effort will take you far.
Not only in business, in life does the same. Believe it, check out American Idol model. The competition is for not only good, but GREAT singer. It is no longer spotting potential, it is about doing it great right NOW. Wake up people! We are living in a competitive world!
Always make ourself be prepared anytime and anywhere. don't wait the world to adjust to us but we ourselves got to be ready and adjusted fast to the real world. No One is waiting for No One.
I see all these comments and i see a sonorous agreement. I do have a question...
Do you know what it is you are getting ready for?
What is the challenge?
Where are your competency gaps?
What may be next to get ready for?
Identify the above and you take the first step to preparation.
I agree with both EC and Ken..
Yes performanace is indeed very important and yes No one is gonna wait arround constantly coaxing u to perform. So perform u must.. no two ways about tht.
However to have clear goals as
Ken67 said is equally important, both long term and short term. This would provide you with the fuel to perform coz you would see why you are performing (the what's in it for me factor) and then your performance will not only be to meet requirments but also act as boosters to continue to motivate you towards your long term goals
be READY all the time
in the end - PERFORM
People need to be real and put on effort not just by dream and wish.
There is no more Dream Career nowadays which the company will keep you for 20 years if you are royalty to the company. Today's world is - Measuring by results and performance. The company will only keep the PERFORMERS. That's is what we called - Extreme Career.
agree with Ernie Chen and Ken67. we got to ask ourselves those questions first. don’t expect the world to take care of us. We got to improve ourselves and change ourselves first. no lips service and theory please…just get ready whenever, whatever, wherever we are.
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